

Located at 53°54' N 30°21' E , 113.2 miles E of Minsk in Mogilev Oblast, formerly Mogilev uezd, MOGILEV guberniya. Also see Vorotinschina, 18 km SW.


Recent visitors [date?] report that the Jewish cemetery is in terrible condition and that graves are routinely disturbed. Two former synagogues in the town, which once had forty Jewish houses of worship, remain in the hands of sports clubs despite efforts for the past nine years by the local Jewish community to obtain their return. The only Jewish cemetery in Mogilev is in the very center of the town. The local authorities take no care of the cemetery; and the Jewish organizations have no money to put it in order. It was officially closed some 15 years ago [date] but nowadays a lot of people of different backgrounds get permission to be buried there at a price. The old graves are opened. Bodies are thrown out of them; and new coffins are put in. It is not unusual to see bones around the site. Source: Bella Nayyer via Dave Fox This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ';document.getElementById('cloak665912535ab940447842dda51fd1addd').innerHTML += ''+addy_text665912535ab940447842dda51fd1addd+'<\/a>'; via Samuel Gruber at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ';document.getElementById('cloak7f2bf424d70645083afba2ab2b2b7e12').innerHTML += ''+addy_text7f2bf424d70645083afba2ab2b2b7e12+'<\/a>'; .
Mogilev cemetery was destroyed during the war. After the war, Jews were buried in main Mogilev cemetery. I am trying to get a description from recent Mogilev émigrés. Source: Schelly Dardashti, JGS of Southern Nevada: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ';document.getElementById('cloak92132a5fb7c6465f14a134c3eb1bee72').innerHTML += '
'+addy_text92132a5fb7c6465f14a134c3eb1bee72+'<\/a>'; [2000]

"Today, however, it is has been almost emptied of Jews through emigration in the first half of the 20th century, decimation during the Holocaust and renewed emigration since the fall of communism./ Only some 3,500 Jews remain in the Moghilev, about 1 percent of the total population./ Endemic anti-Semitism at the state level does not help the situation./ Authorities refuse to return former synagogues to the Jewish community, and Moghilev's Jewish cemetery has repeatedly been desecrated. The remaining members of the Jewish community walk past the remnants of their architectural heritage — which now serve as leisure centers — and can only imagine their past./...Nevertheless, Moghilev's Jewish community is slowly reviving its traditions. ...Victor Shpuntov's [head of Jewish community] ...the first Shabbat service held in Moghilev in seven decades, organized by a British charity, Jewish Chernobyl Children, an organization that works to help Jewish children living in the areas affected by the 1986 nuclear disaster in nearby Ukraine./...Jewish Chernobyl Children can be contacted in Britain by telephone at 44-208-368-7782 or 44-208-209- 0031." Source: © Jewish Telegraphic Agency Inc. Jewish Telegraphic Agency Inc. to see complete article entitled"AROUND THE JEWISH WORLD After communism and Chernobyl, Belarus Jews struggle for rebirth by Niki Austin. [15 Jan 2001]

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE