Alternate names: Mahilyow [Bel], Mogilev [Rus], Mohylew [Ger], Mohylów [Pol], MohyliМoгилeв / Мoгилëвъ / Могилев-на-Днепре. Мaгiлëў v [Ukr], Molev and מאָלעוו / מאָהליב [Yid], Mogiliovas [Lith], Mogilew, Mahileu, Mohilev, Mahiliou, Russian: Мoгилeв / Мoгилëвъ. Belarusian: Мaгiлëў. 53°55' N, 30°20' E, 113 miles E of Minsk. Capital of Mogilev Gubernia (Mogilev Province, Russian Empire) before 1917. Jewish population: 21,539 (in 1897).
- JewishGen Belarus SIG
- Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego (1880-1902), VI, pp. 594-612: "Mohylew".
- Ehpes-Chernowitz [Mar 2014]
- Jewish Bukovina. [Mar 2014]
- Wikipedia [Apr 2014]
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Mogilev-Podolsky Jewish Community (Chabad) |
Chairman: Roman Trakhtengertz
Address: 65-131, Staviska Street, Mohyliv-Podilskyi, Vinnytsya region 24002 Ukraine
Phone: 380-4337 27502, 25156
Region: 02 Vinnytsya region
Profile: 3.1 Jewish Community and Welfare Centers
Corporation: Chabad
Names on tombstones recorded in Russian and transliterated to English [October 2002] and JOWBR: Jewish Cemetery burial listings
In 2000, the Jewish Community of Mogilev found foreign sponsors and began Jewish cemetery restoration and changes: non-sanctioned Orthodox burials are prevented. A new concrete fence surrounds the entire cemetery. A building for guard staff was constructed. The cemetery contains 25 old graves restorations. Leader of the Jewish community is Nakhum Ioffe. [Source: Leonid Plotkin, February 2003]
“On a visit to the Mogilev Jewish Cemetery in August 1999, I personally saw Jewish graves dug up and Jewish head stones discarded in piles among the weeds to make room for Christian burials. While there, I worked with leaders of the Jewish community in Mogilev as well as the Chief Rabbi of Belarus and the leader of the Jewish community of Belarus to stop the desecration of the Mogilev cemetery. Subsequently, I received word that a fence had been built around the cemetery, a guard house had been built, and plans were being made to hire a guard to protect the cemetery. About two weeks ago (four years later), I received a report and digital photos from Alexander Litin in Mogilev that showed Jewish graves were still be dug up and replaced with Christian burials. It was very disturbing to say the least and I felt compelled to try and do something. I forwarded the report and photos from Mr. Litin to our fellow SIG member Schelly Dardashti who is a correspondent for the “Jerusalem Post” and asked Schelly if she could write an article and get the world out to the JTA, which she obviously did, as can be seen from Andrews message. I also contacted This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., the Executive Director of the United States Commission for The Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad.” Source: Belarus SIG Digest, 13 June 2003. /This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Belarus SIG Coordinator. [June 2003]
story about a dispute over Jewish and Christian burials in the supposedly closed Mogilev Jewish cemetery, from the JTA. Source: Belarus SIG Digest, 11 June 2003. [June 2003]
18th century cemetery photos. [February 2010]
Hebrew website with photo: "became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In 1537 gave the city a final Muscovites. Towards the end of the 16th century the city served as a protection against the incursions of the Crimean Tatars Polish Union - Lithuanian. In 1577 the city received Magdeburg rights. Following dividing Poland first (1772) Attached city Russian Empire. Administratively, the city changed its position many times in Russian. In the past there were active Jewish life and fertile, were a considerable number of synagogues now serve government buildings and many Jews lived there. Now live in Mohali 5,000 Jews.Resides in Chabad emissary acting on behalf of "Federation of Jewish Communities in the CIS" bringing Jews to Judaism, which run Jewish school and synagogue, and revitalizes Jewish life issues in Saints buried in it:" Rabbi Shlomo Zalman ben Simcha Bunim Meizlish and Rabbi Simcha Halevi Salawitzig buried here. [Apr 2014]
[UPDATE] Mogilev Cemeteries "Do Not Forget" Project [October 2016]