In northeastern Slovakia at 49º01' 22º23', 10 km. from Snina. Present total town population is under 1,000 with no Jews. Jewish population before World War II was less than 50.
Kolbasov is a village on the way to Ulic from Stakcin. We stopped there after being advised of the 1945 Jewish massacre (see below). By inquiring of locals, we were directed to an abandoned, unlandmarked Jewish cemetery in a field, several hundred feet from town. After half-hour of walking in rain-soaked, muddied field before we discovered it overgrown and obscure. There are no markers or directions to the plot. We uncovered about 12 tombstones, all written in Hebrew, most of which were crumbling and barely legible. We photographed a number of them, and plan to have them translated.
November 22, 1996 Reference: "PRAGUE (JTA) Jewish leaders unveiled a plaque recently in the Slovak town of Kolbasov in remembrance of 11 Jewish citizens who were killed there by Ukrainian nationalists in December 1945. Speaking at an unveiling, Pavol Traubner, the honorary chairman of the Central Association of Slovak Jewish Communities, said Kolbasov was only one of many European towns with Jewish martyrs. Condemning anti-Semitism and other forms of racism, he warned that other religious groups could be persecuted in the future the way Jews were in the past. The Ukrainians, who murdered the 11 Slovak Jews during World War II, had been part of a nationalist unit known as the Banderites." Source:
The isolated rural (agricultural) hillside cemetery site has a sign or plaque on a tombstone in Slovak inscribed: "zidvosky cintorín". The cemetery is reached by turning directly off a public road and crossing private property. Access is open to all with no wall, fence, or gate. The present size of cemetery appears to be 150 feet x 200 feet with 20-100 gravestones visible regardless of condition or position, but probably in original location. Less than 25% are broken or toppled. Vegetation overgrowth in the cemetery is a seasonal problem, preventing access while water drainage is good all year round. The sandstone memorial markers are flat shaped stones with Hebrew and Yiddish inscriptions. The special memorial monument is at the nearby village office. The present owner of the cemetery property is unknown. Properties adjacent to the rarely visited cemetery are agricultural. No maintenance, structures, or care.
Bill Tarkulich, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. completed this survey and requested no phone calls, please. He visited the site in July 2001. He also visited the nearby villages of Ulic and Zboj, Slovakia, sites that probably used this cemetery. See ZBOJ, Slovakia [December 2001]
January 2009:
Map of Cemetery
Village Kolbasov |
![]() |
Address: | Phone: |
Obecný úrad | ||||
Kolbasov | Email: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | ||
067 66 Kolbasov SLOVAKIA |
Region: | Prešovský | |
District: | Snina | |
Inhabitants: | 112 | |
Area: | 1596 ha | |
First paper reference: | in year 1548 | |
Mayor: | Mária Kosťová |