International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


US Commission No. SLCE000316

Ruban is located SE of Nove Zamky. The flat isolated suburban location is open to all. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all via a fence and non-locking gate. Present size of the cemetery is 20x20 meters. Eleven 19th century marble flat shaped tombstones with Hebrew inscriptions are original locations in the property used for agriculture. Adjacent properties are residential and garden. Occasionally, private visitors stop. No threats.


January 2009:

Map of Village

Village Rúbaň (Fur)

Erb Rúbaň Address: Phone:
00 421 35 649 91 01
Obecný úrad

Rúbaň 27 Email:
941 36 Rúbaň

Region: Nitriansky
District: Nové Zámky
Inhabitants: 931
Area: 1610 ha
First paper reference: in year 1268
Mayor: Ing. Florián Jávorka