International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies



Gmunden is a small resort town (population about 15,000) located on the Traunsee in the Salzkammergut region, about 105 miles southwest of Vienna, 25 miles southwest of Linz, and 47 miles northeast of Salzburg. Before the war, there were 10-15 Jewish families.


  • Jewish cemetery: Located along the west wall of the Catholic cemetery at the intersection of K. Plentzner-Strasse and A. Schlosser-Strasse. The perimeter wall of the Catholic cemetery serves as one 10+ feet tall wall of the cemetery. The other three walls are masonry and probably five feet tall. The cemetery is about 20x50 feet with a locked metal gate. The key can be obtained from the caretaker at the Catholic cemetery. A small structure within the walls may have served as a pre-burial facility. Now, it is now used to store lawnmowers. The Jewish community in Linz (which has the cemetery mowed twice a year) maintains the cemetery and its 20-30 stones. I was informed by a local scholar, who has written about the Jewish community, that the stones were vandalized during World War II and that new stones were put up but not necessarily on the sites of the original burials. Source: Ron Smetana; e-mail: