Alternate names: Sokołów Małopolski [Pol], Sokolov [Yid], Sokołów. many towns and villages named 'Sokołów' in Poland. This town is 14 miles NNE of Rzeszów, in Galicia. [Not to be confused with the larger town of Sokołów Podlaski, N of Siedlce]. 50°14' N, 22°07' E. Jewish population: 2,155 (in 1890). JOWBR burial list. Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego (1880-1902), XI, pp. 31-32: "Sokołów" #1. This town in Rzeszów County, Subcarpathian Voivodeship,had a population of 3,962 in 2009.
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From 1586, a ban on Jewish settlement existed, but Jewish settlement in Małopolska Sokołow began in 1680 when the village owner authorized Jews to buy and own homes and buildings. In 1682, 40 Jewish families lived there. In 1765, the city had 754 Jews. In 1800, they owned 110 houses. In the mid-19th century, the two rabbis, Meilech Weichselbaum (d.1853) and Aba Hipler (d.1871), led the Hassidic community. 2,424 Jews suffered a huge fire about 1904 that destroyed the town, leaving only ten Jewish homes. Many Jews had left Sokołów, but in 1910 1,485 remained. The 19th century synagogue at ulKazimierza Wielkiego and two cemeteries still exist. At the end of the 19th century, the Jews were almost 40% of the total population, but after the outbreak of WWII, there were approximately 7,000 mainly living in the western part of the city. They occupied most of the houses, had several synagogues, yeshiva, mikvah, and the now non-existent older Jewish cemetery that was located at the synagogue. It disappeared at the beginning of last century. The first Jewish cemetery founded in 1687 at the current ul Kochanowski served until 1853. Destroyed by the Nazis, stores were built on its site; however, the ohel was reconstructed, commemorating tzaddikim. The new 0.58-ha cemetery in Sokołowie located at ul. Okulickiego was founded in 1776 or 1880 with the last burial in 1943. 249 gravestones date from 1882.
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Divided into separate sections for women and men, the cemetery has a partial hedge.Photos. [July 2009]
(ShtetLink) [November 2002]
SOKOLOW MALOPOLSKI (I): US Commission No. POCE000485
Sokolow Matopolski is located in State of Rzeszow at 50º14' 22º07', 24 km from Rzeszow. The cemetery is on Paducha St. Present population is 1,000-5,000 with no Jews.
- Town: Urzad Miasta, 10 Shrelczewskiego St., Tel. 45.
- Regional: region Konserwator Zabytkow, Gniuweldika St. 15, 35-069 Pzeszow.
- Caretaker:Krystof Orniel.
- Keyholder: Natascha Rode, Steryniski St 5/29, 35-213 Preszow, tel. 439-76.
The earliest known Jewish community was 1612. 1921 Jewish population was 1351 and 1700 in 1940. Rabbi Josua Hebenstreit, Meilich Weichsebaum and Osayeh Hebenstreit lived here. The cemetery was established in 1880 with last Orthodox/Hasidic burial in 1943. Counties [sic] beside Sokolow, 3-4 km away, used this cemetery. Landmark: "Archival". The isolated suburban flat land has a Polish sign/plaque. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open with permission with a continuous fence and locking gate. The cemetery was 550 hectares before WWII and is now 500 square m. 240 gravestones, 1-20 not in original locations with none toppled or broken, date from 1882-19th century. The cemetery is divided into special sections for men and women and other (?).The limestone and sandstone flat shaped stones, finely smoothed and inscribed stones or sculptured monuments have Hebrew inscriptions. Some have portraits on tombstones. There are special memorial monuments to pogroms victims. There are unmarked mass graves. The national Jewish community owns the property. It is used for Jewish cemetery. Adjacent properties are commercial/industrial and residential. The boundaries are smaller due to new roads or highways and commercial/industrial development. Occasionally, organized Jewish groups, private visitors and local residents stop. The cemetery was vandalized occasionally. Local non-Jewish residents, authorities, and Jewish groups within the country re-erected, cleaned stones and fixed gate in 1980-1985. There has been occasional clearing or cleaning by individuals. The caretaker is not paid. There are no structures. Security and vandalism are slight threats. Planned incompatible and existing incompatible nearby development are serious threats. A gas station is built on part of the cemetery.
Natascha Rode (address above) completed survey on April 12, 1992 after a visit in March 1992. Archive documentation was used.
SOKOLOW MALOPOLSKI (II): US Commission No. POCE000486The old cemetery is on Kochanowski St. See Sokolow Malopolski I for town information. No caretaker is listed. The cemetery was established in 1680 with last Orthodox burial in 1853. Counties [sic] beside Sokolow, 3 km away, used this unlandmarked cemetery. The isolated urban flat land has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all with a continuous masonry wall and locking gate. The approximate size before WWII was 1000 hectares. No gravestones are visible. Cemetery does not exist. Tombstones date from before 16th century. [sic] The municipality owns property used for industrial/commercial use and storage. Adjacent properties are commercial/industrial and residential. Boundaries have been reduced because of housing and commercial/ industrial development. Rarely, organized Jewish group tours, private visitors and local residents visit. The cemetery was vandalized during WWII. There is no maintenance or care. Stores are within the limits of the cemetery. Incompatible nearby existing development is a moderate threat. Vandalism and incompatible planned development are very serious threats. For survey information see above section (I).
BOOK: Gruber, Ruth Ellen. Jewish Heritage Travel A Guide to East-Central Europe. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1992. p. 78