Alternate names: Myszyniec [Pol], Mishenitz, מישנייץ [Yid], Myshinetz, Мышинец [Rus], Mishenits, Mishinyets, Myszeniec, Mishnits. 53°23' N, 21°21' E, 80 miles N of Warsaw, 33 miles WNW of Łomża, 23 miles NNW of Ostrołęka. 1900 Jewish population: 1,802. Yizkor: Sefer kehilat Ostrolenka. (Tel Aviv, 1963). Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego (1880-1902), VI, pp. 839-840: "Myszeniec". A town in Ostrołęka County, Masovian Voivodeship with 3,032 inhabitants in 2004 that was famous for its annual honey harvests. The 0.5 ha Jewish cemetery on Kopanki Most St. was established in 19th century. No matzevot are left with an exception of one found by private owner.
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Located in northwestern part of ulica Kopański Most next to the road Pelt, on the remaining gragment of gravestone is the Hebrew quote from the Book of Jeremiah (9.1): "Who to the water, my head was a source of my eyes with tears, that I may in the day and night mourned daughters of my people." photo. [June 2009]
US Commission No. POCE000053
Alternate names: Nowy Myszyniec, Stary Myszyniec and Poswietne. Myszyniec is located in Ostroleckie region at 53º 23' 21º21', 39 km from Ostroleckie, 37 km from Chorzele, 42 km from Kolno and 157 km from Warsaw. The cemetery is located on Kopanski Most St. Present population is 1,000-5,000, no Jews.
- Town: Andrzej Niedzwiecki, Wojt, Urzad Gminy, 63 Wolnosu Pl, 07-430 Myszyniec, tel. 141.
- Regional: Ewa Kawatek, region Konserwator Zabytkow Panstwowa Sluzba Ochrony Zabytkow, 001012? Wojewdozki W Ostrokece, 38 Pilsudskiego St, tel. 66-829.
The earliest known Jewish community was 19th century. 1921 Jewish population was 912. The Conservative and Reform cemetery was established in the 19th century with the last known burial 1939/1940. The isolated rural crown of a hill, near water has no sign or marker, no wall or fence. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all. Before WWI and now the cemetery was.5 ha. There are no visible gravestones or known mass graves. The municipality owns property used for agriculture. Adjacent properties are commercial/industrial, agricultural and residential. Private individuals visit rarely. The cemetery was vandalized during WWII. There is no maintenance, no care, no structures. Vegetation is a moderate problem. Pollution is a serious threat from a gravel pit that was once on the site. Vandalism is a very serious threat; some of the graves have been dug.
Wojciech Henrykowski, 06-200 Makow Maz, ull Spoldzielcza St. 20, completed this survey on August 26, 1991 after a visit on the same date.