Alternate names: Człopa [Pol], Schloppe [Ger]. 53°05' N, 16°07' E, 58 miles NW of Poznań (Posen), 27 miles W of Piła (Schneidemühl). 1900 Jewish population: 195 in 1871 and 100 in 1933. Człopa (German: Schloppe) is a city in Wałcz County in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship in NW Poland and in the Wałcz Lake District on three lake. From 1975 to 1998, the city was administratively part of the Piła Voivodeship. The 2004 population was 2,400. Człopa is E of Drawska Wilderness area. [April 2009]
US Commission No. POCE000404
Alternate name: Schloppe. Czlopa is in Pila region at 53º7 N 16º8E, 30 km from Walcz Cemetery: N of town. Present town population is 1,000-5,000 with no Jews.
- Local: Urzad Miasta I Gminy w Czlopa. Mgr. Roman Chwaliszewski-Wojewodzki, Konserwator Zabytkow, 64-920 Pika Ul. Tczewska 1, Tel., 223-88.
- Regional: Panstwowa Stuzba Ochrony Zabytkow, Odduar w Pile, Mgr. Barbara Luczynska (address & phone number as for Mgr. Roman Chwaliszewski).
- Interested: Urzad Miasta i Gminy w. Crlopie, mgr. Mavek Fijakowski Muzeum Olzedowe, 64-020 Pita w. Chopine 1, tel 271-37.
In 1614, the privilege granted by A. Czarnkowski started the Jewish community. In the 17th century, a synagogue existed. A synagogue was built in 1760 and rebuilt in 1770. The Jewish cemetery dates from the beginning of the 17th century. The community was Progressive/Reform. Surrounding villages did not use the cemetery. The urban hillside, separate but near other cemeteries, has no sign or marker, wall, fence, or gate. Access is via crossing the Catholic cemetery. The approximate size of the cemetery before WWII and now is 0.66 ha. 20 to 100 visible gravestones are in original location with 1 to 20 gravestones not. Less than 25% of the surviving stones are toppled or broken. Gravestones date from 1861 to 20th century. The granite and sandstone rough stones or boulders, flat shaped stones, finely smoothed and inscribed stones, flat stones with carved relief decoration, or double tombstones have Hebrew and German inscriptions. The cemetery contains no Holocaust memorials or known mass graves. The municipality currently owns the now unused property. Properties adjacent are agricultural and Catholic cemetery. Local residents visit the cemetery occasionally. The cemetery was not vandalized during World War II. No care. There are no structures within the limits of the cemetery. Security and vandalism are serious threats. Vegetation overgrowth is a moderate threat and constant problem disturbing graves. Weather erosion is a slight threat.
Henryk Grecki, Tel. 377-41, 70-534 Szczecin, ul. Soltysia 3/13 completed survey on August 13th, 1991 using documentation: Karta Cmentarza, but no interviews or visit.