VELVARY: (Ger.: Welwarn) used the cemetery at Blevice although only a small number of Jewish families lived in Blevice proper. The cemetery was used mainly by Jews from the nearby town of Velvary and the village of Ješín.

Located 25 km NW of Prague with a population of 2,936 (2006), the town, first mentioned in 1282, was Dan important stop on the way from Prague to Saxony for centuries. King Vladislav Square includes a Baroque plague column (1716-1719), a Baroque town hall (1717) and Gothic St Catherine church with murals from the 15th century. The Renaissance Prague Gate (1580) is preserved, one of three town gates. A Renaissance St George church (1613 - 1616) with a churchyard also is in the town. photos, town website and town history with photos (English) [February 2009]