Zlin Region website. town website. On the Dřevnice River, the development of the modern city is closely connected to the Bata Shoes company. Due to Bata's managerial excellence Zlín became famous for the company's extraordinary social scheme developed after the First World War and its modernist urbanism. Bata saved its Jewish employees and their families 300-400 people,during WWII. map to Jewish section of Lesni Cemetery in Zlin from the 1930s.The Zlínský Region was established on 1 January 2000 (constitutional act No. 347 from 3 December 1997) to create higher self-governing units. A merger of the Zlín District, the Kroměříž and Uherské Hradiště Districts (formerly Jihomoravský Region), Vsetín District (formerly Severomoravský Region) and Olomoucký Region form a cohesion area of Central Moravia. As of 1 January 2003, 13 administrative districts of municipalities and 25 territorial districts of municipalities. Located eastern CR, where the borders with Slovakia are formed by its eastern edge, Zlin Region borders the Jihomoravský Region in the southwest, the Olomoucký Region in the northwest, and Moravskoslezský Region in the north. It is the fourth smallest region of the CR (3,964 km2). 304 municipalities in total (30 towns) with 589,839 inhabitants (2006).[February 2009]
US Commission No. CZCE000210
Alternate Hungarian name: Gottwaldov. Located in Morava-Zlin at 49º13 17º40, 100 km E of Brno. Cemetery: 3 km South. Present town population is 25,000 to 100,000 with less than 10 Jews.
- Town: Magistrate Engineer Jaromir Schneider, Urad Mesta Zlina, nam. Iru 12, 761 40 Zlin; tel. 067/27271. Radim Vrla, Okresni urad -Referat Kultury, 760 01 Zlin; tel. 067/516.
- Interested: Oblastni Muzeum jihovychodni Moravy, dir. ing. Petr Starosta, zamek, 760 01 Zlin; tel. 067/23145.
- Caretaker with key: Technicka Sprava Mesta Zlina, Sprava Lesniho Hrbitova, 760 01 Zlin; tel. 067/31517 has information about the cemetery.
Earliest known Jewish community was end of the 19th century. The Jewish community existed from 1924 to 1941. In 1930, 103 Jews lived here. The unlandmarked Jewish cemetery originated in 1933 with last known Conservative Jewish burial in 1987. The wooded hillside, part of a municipal cemetery, has Czech sign designating Jewish section. Reached by crossing municipal cemetery, access is open to all via a continuous fence with a locking gate. The approximate size of the cemetery before World War II and now is 20x50 meters.
1-20 stones, in original location, date from 1936. The granite and sandstone flat shaped and inscribed stones, finely smoothed and inscribed stones or multi-stone monuments have Hebrew and Czech inscriptions. Some have metallic elements. The municipality owns the property used only as a Jewish cemetery with no known mass graves or structures. Adjacent property is municipal cemetery. Rarely, private visitors and local residents stop. The cemetery was never vandalized. There is occasional clearing or cleaning by authorities. The caretaker is paid by local contributions. Slight threat: uncontrolled access, vegetation and vandalism.
Engineer Architect Jaroslav Klenovsky, Zebetinska 13, 623 00 Brno; tel. 0, completed survey on March 1 1995. Documentation: K. Stloukal: 550 let mesta Zlina, Zlin 1947. Other documentation exists. Klenovsky visited site in October 1991.