International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


International Jewish Cemetery Project - Argentina
Mauricio Hirsh Cemetery: 15 km from Carlos Casaras, Algarroba holds the Mauricio Hirsch cemetery, the oldest Jewish cemetery in Buenos Aires province and the second oldest in Argentina after the one in Moises Ville. The landmarked cemetery is at the end of the main street (Camino Real), about 1 km further on the right. The population is two families, neither of which is Jewish. Cement paths lead through the cemetery that has anthills and viscacha burrows. Contact: Susana Sigwald Carioli (02395) 4-52887; Miguel Glik (02395) 4-52419, and Gustavo Grobocopatel (20396) 15-548498.
Located next to Algarrobo Lake on a hill, the site has an ancient history for the native tribes. Then, in 1895, Frontera Oeste de Buenos Aires (Carob Tree Fortress) was built. The cemetery opened in December 1891. An epidemic in October 1891 killed the children who arrived on the "Weser" to live in Santa Fe province. They buried those children in fuel cans. Hence, Algarroba decided to build a cemetery. A gate by the road marks the route to the cemetery about a half-kilometer walk. A railing or wall of about 1 hectare surrounds the cemetery with a preburial house. On the exterior wall is a plaque reading: "Here rest the first dead of Colonia Mauricio. May their dreams of work and human dignity rest in peace." A list of Hebrew grave inscriptions translated into Spanish exists within the cemetery walls. No community burial registry exists of the 329 graves. The oldest tombs (in NE corner) date from 1891 to 1899. Most are child victims of measles. Many old memorial markers are wood with Yiddish. Many were removed and burned. 1900 to 1909 graves are in the middle of the cemetery against the eastern wall. From 1910 to 1930, burials were close to the entrance. Many graves are moss covered. Some are marble. Some have barrel vaulted covering over the graves. A row of mausoleums is immediately inside the entrance. The first burials, close to the lake, were Rise Sverdik and a boy who died on 26 December 1891. The last burial was January 2001 (Carlos Caprow.) [December 2003]

  • Also see: Cariolo, Signwald. Colonia Mauricio, 100 anos. La publicacion official de la Comision Centenario de la Colonoizacion Judia en Colonia Mauricio, Carlos Casares, 1991. Jews from Moctezuma, 15 km away, may be buried here. [December 2003]