Alternate names: Huşi [Rom], Khush, חוש [Yid], Husch [Ger], Хуши [Rus], Hussburg. 46°41' N, 28°04' E, 40 miles SSE of Iaşi (Yash), 16 miles E of Vaslui, 9 miles W of the Prut river (the border with Moldova). In Vaslui judet and formerly capital of the disbanded Fălciu County in the historical region of Moldavia among vineyards on a branch of the Iaşi-Galaţi railway. 2000 population was 33,320. Yizkor: Pinkas ha-kehilot; entsiklopediya shel ha-yishuvim le-min hivasdam ve-ad le-aher shoat milhemet ha-olam ha-sheniya: Romania vol. 1 (Jerusalem, 1969). Jewish history from town website. [August 2009]
Jewish settlement was some time after 1484 when five families (Frisof, Stofler and Gronic) lived here. Jewish population: 1747 about 1,042; about 2,500 in 1859; 3,587 in 1897; 2,514 in 1930; 2,100 in 1942; 2,000 in 1992. In 2005, only 25 Jews remained (0-15 years old: 1; 16-35 years old: 3 ; 36-60 years old: 6 ; over 60 years old: 10) due to successive aliyah after World War II. The current president of the Jewish community is Iosif Leibovici. The Jews were important role in economic development in the 18th and 19th centuries. The first synagogue (Beth-Hanidras, the Great Synagogue) was built in the 18th century. In 1943 five synagogues (Beth-Hanidras, Ceauşul Mare, Blănari, Croitorilor, Postelnici) served the community, but now only one synagogue functions today. The first Jewish cemetery was founded in 1680 on Călăraşi Street. The second cemetery opened in 1880 is still active. [August 2009]
ShtetLink [July 2010]
US Commission Report HUSI (I):The cemetery is located in Husi, Str. Fundatura Calarasi no. 3, judet Vaslui, Moldavia region, 4641 2804, 182.1 miles NNE of Bucharest.and 70 km from Vaslui. Present town population is 25,000-100,000 with fewer than 10 Jews.
- Mayor Costin Ion, Str. 7 Noiembrie no. 1, Husi, judet Vaslui. Phone: 471735.
- The Jewish Community of Barlad, Str. Sfintu Ilie no. 2, Barlad, judet Vaslui, phone: 412001.
- The Federation of the Jewish Communities of Romania, Sf. Vineri Str., no. 9-11, sect. 3, Bucharest, Romania
- A.D. Xenopol" Institute of History, Lascar Catargi Str., no. 15, 6600- Iasi (judet Iasi), Romania. Tel. 032/212614; e-mail: Director: Alexandru Zub.
- Key holder and caretaker: Gilca Neculai, Str. Fundatura Calarasi no. 3, Husi, judet Vaslui. Phone: 472798
The Jewish population by 1899 census was 416 Jewish inhabitants and in 1930 was 2493 Jewish inhabitants. In 1941, the Jews were deported to Transnistria. The cemetery was established in the 19th century. Last known burial was approximately 1910. Albitza, judet Vaslui, also used the unlandmarked Orthodox cemetery that is 1 km from the congregation that used it.
The isolated urban flat land has no sign or marker. Reached via private road, access is open with permission. A fence with a gate that locks surrounds the site. Approximate pre- and post-WWII size is 150 x 250 m. 100-500 stones are visible. 1-20 stones are not in original location. More than 75% of the stones are toppled or broken. Location of stones removed from the cemetery is unknown. Vegetation overgrowth in the cemetery is a seasonal problem preventing access. Water drainage is good all year.
The oldest known gravestone dates from the 19th century. The 19th and 20th century marble, granite, limestone, and sandstone gravestones have Hebrew inscriptions. Some have traces of painting on their surfaces, iron decorations or letting, bronze decorations or lettering, and other metallic elements. Some have portraits on stones. The national Jewish community owns the property used for an orchard. Adjacent properties are in village residential setting with houses, gardens, orchards, and pastures. Rarely, private Jewish or non-Jewish visitors stop. The never vandalized cemetery has no maintenance. Current care is regular unpaid caretaker. No structures.
Lucian Nastasă, Clinicilor Str., no. 19, Cluj, Romania, tel. 064/190107. Email: completed the survey on September 22, 2000 using the following documentation:
- E. Schwarzfeld, Din istoria evreilor: împopularea, reîmpopularea si întemeierea tîrgurilor si tîrgusoarelor în Moldova, Bucuresti, 1894.
- Recensamintul general al populatiei Romaniei. 1930, vol.II, Bucuresti, "Monitorul Oficial", 1938
- N.Sutu, Notiti statistice asupra Moldaviei, Iasi, 1852.
- George I.Lahovari, Marele dictionar geografic al României, 5 vol., Bucuresti, Edit.Socec, 1899.
- Recensamintul general al populatiei Romaniei. 1930, vol.II, Bucuresti, "Monitorul Oficial", 1938
- I.M.Dinescu, Fiii neamului de la 1859 la 1915. Statistica sociala pe întelesul tuturora, Iasi, Institutul de Arte Grafice N.V.Stefaniu, 1920.
- Leonida Colescu, Analiza rezultatelor recensamîntului general al populatiei României de la 1899, cu o prefata de Sabin Manuila, Bucuresti, Institutul de statistica, 1944.
- Pinkas Hakehillot, Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities Romania, I-II, Ierusalem, 1980.
- D. Ivanescu, Populatia evreiasca din orasele si tîrgurile Moldovei între 1774-1832, în "Studia et acta historiae iudaeorum romaniae", II, Bucuresti, Edit.Hasefer, 1997, p. 59-65
Lucian Nastasă interviewed Gilca Neculai, Str. Fundatura Calarasi no. 3, Husi, judet Vaslui. Phone: 472798 on September 20, 2000. [January 2003]
[UPDATE] Photos of old cemetery by Charles Burns [November 2017]
The cemetery is located in Husi at Soseaua Stanilestiului, no. 6, judet Vaslui.
- Key holder and caretaker: Herghelegiu Vasile, Str. N. Lupu no. 6, Husi, judet Vaslui. Phone: 475135.
The cemetery was established about 1910 with last known burial in July 2000 (Fridman Mihel.) The unlandmarked Orthodox cemetery is 2 km from the congregation that used it.
The suburban isolated flat land has no sign or marker. Reached by a public road, access is open with permission. A fence with a gate that locks surrounds the site. Approximate pre- and post-WWII size is 400 x 450 m. 500-5000 stones are visible. 1-20 stones are not in original location. More than 75% of the stones are toppled or broken. Location of stones removed from the cemetery is unknown. Vegetation overgrowth in the cemetery is a seasonal problem preventing access. Water drainage is good all year.
No special sections. The oldest known gravestone dates from 1914. The marble, granite, limestone, sandstone, and slate gravestones have inscriptions are in Hebrew, Yiddish, and Romanian. Some have traces of painting on their surfaces, iron decorations or letting, bronze decorations or lettering, and other metallic elements and. Some have carved relief-decorated, double tombstones, and sculpted monuments. The national Jewish community owns the property used for Jewish cemetery only. Adjacent properties are commercial or industrial and recreational, and residential. Frequently, private Jewish or non-Jewish visitors and local residents stop at the never vandalized cemetery has no maintenance. Current care is regular unpaid caretaker. Within the cemetery boundaries is a house. Vegetation is a moderate threat.
Lucian Nastasă, Clinicilor Str., no. 19, Cluj, Romania, tel. 064/190107. Email: completed the survey on September 22, 2000 using the following documentation:
- E. Schwarzfeld, Din istoria evreilor: împopularea, reîmpopularea si întemeierea tîrgurilor si tîrgusoarelor în Moldova, Bucuresti, 1894.
- Recensamintul general al populatiei Romaniei. 1930, vol.II, Bucuresti, "Monitorul Oficial", 1938
- N.Sutu, Notiti statistice asupra Moldaviei, Iasi, 1852.
- George I.Lahovari, Marele dictionar geografic al României, 5 vol., Bucuresti, Edit.Socec, 1899.
- Recensamintul general al populatiei Romaniei. 1930, vol.II, Bucuresti, "Monitorul Oficial", 1938
- I.M.Dinescu, Fiii neamului de la 1859 la 1915. Statistica sociala pe întelesul tuturora, Iasi, Institutul de Arte Grafice N.V.Stefaniu, 1920.
- Leonida Colescu, Analiza rezultatelor recensamîntului general al populatiei României de la 1899, cu o prefata de Sabin Manuila, Bucuresti, Institutul de statistica, 1944.
- Pinkas Hakehillot, Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities Romania, I-II, Ierusalem, 1980.
- D. Ivanescu, Populatia evreiasca din orasele si tîrgurile Moldovei între 1774-1832, în "Studia et acta historiae iudaeorum romaniae", II, Bucuresti, Edit.Hasefer, 1997, p. 59-65
Lucian Nastasă interviewed Herghelegiu Vasile, Str. N. Lupu no. 6, Husi, judet Vaslui. Phone: 475135 on September 20, 2000. [January 2003]
[UPDATE] Photos of new cemetery by Charles Burns [November 2017]
[UPDATE] Gravestones destroyed in Jewish Cemetery [April 2019]
[UPDATE] Another report on vandalism [May 2019]
[UPDATE] US Embassy report on vandalism [May 2019]
[UPDATE] American Ambassador film about Jewish Cemetery [May 2019]
[UPDATE] Photos of Jewish Cemetery [May 2019]