International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


Alternate names: Peski [Rus], Piaski [Pol], Piesk [Yid], Pieski [Bel], Pyesk, Pyaski, Russian: Пески. Belarusian: Пескі. פיעסק-Yiddish, פיאסקי-Hebrew. 53°21' N, 24°38' E, 5 miles SE of Masty (Most), 14 miles NNE of Vawkavysk (Volkovysk). 1900 Jewish population: 1,615.

Pyesk ve-Most; sefer yizkor (Tel Aviv, 1975).

ShtetLink. [March 2011]

Peski (Sandy Beach) BELARUS. Part 1, Peski (Sandy Beach) BELARUS. Part 2, and Road to Peski (Sandy Beach). Belarus

July 27, 2009: Village of Peski of Mostovskiy region, where 30 Jews were executed, plans a Holocaust Memorial dedication. Source: Yuri Dorn. [May 2009]

PeskiBelarus Boris Feldblyum Collection

Mill photo. photo. photo. [February 2010]


yizkor: "The cemetery was very large, contained hundreds of graves and was proof of the existence of the community for many centuries. At the beginning of the 20th century, an additional piece of land was purchased and the cemetery enlarged. Thus, enough space was prepared for the next two hundred years. Indeed, the Jews of Piesk believed that they would go on living, and dying, in their town. …" Piesk & Most: A Memorial Book , p. 19. See website for citation. [October 2000]

In Peski at the end of July 2009, a new memorial was installed to commemorate the death of 60 Jews, who were burned in the fall of 1942 by Nazis. Most were weak and ill. Peski ghetto held nearly 2,000 Jews, including 300 Jews from Mosty and other nearby villages.The monument was installed near the house where the Jews were burned. photo. photo. [February 2010]