International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


Alternate names: Traby [Rus, Yid, Pol, Bel], Russian/ Belarusian: Трабы. טראבי - Hebrew.  54°09' N, 25°55' E, 25 miles W of Valozhyn (Wołożyn), 16 miles NNE of Ivye (Iwje), 15 miles S of Oshmiany, 69.1 miles WNW of Minsk near the Lithuanian border. 1900 Jewish population: 634. Sefer Zikaron le-kehilat Iwie (Tel Aviv, 1968). Burial list: JOWBR: Jewish Cemetery. Shtetlink and Yizkor.


Cemetery is in woods right off the highway. We (driver and Leon) turned over many gravestones to read them as they were face down. We were Regina Kapilevich (regina@pub.osf.Et) 370-2-342488 Antakalnio 118-48 Vilnius 2040 Lithuania) the wonderful guide who read the inscriptions with the strong and nice driver. Source: Helaine Greenberg, Leon Shoag, and Cheryl Pincus (siblings) [June 2000]

UPDATE: photos of the Jewish cemetery. [March 2007]