Cemetery: video. The 0.4 ha.Jewish cemetery in Skorogoszcz on Świerczewskiego Street on the right side of the road toward Niwy leading to a bean field probably was established in the 19th century. This cemetery was founded outside the town then, planned like a park or garden. Today, only isolated broken gravestones, mostly their bases and fragments with Hebrew inscriptions, are visible. After WWII, gravestones were found in nearby cultivated fields. Also, sand was mined here. During WWII, the Germans destroyed the cemetery when a defensive bunker was built there. In January and February 1945, the ground of the cemetery became a battleground. Only fragments of seven broken gravestones with Hebrew inscriptions remain visible. The grounds are overgrown with trees and vegetation. In the Jewish cemetery in Brzeg is a sandstone gravestone inscribed: "Serl, daughter of Simon Epstajn from Skorogoszczy, died 18 Sh'vat 572 years (February 1, 1812)". Photos. [July 2009]