International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies



International Jewish Cemetery Project - Romania C The cemetery is located at Str. Cochirleni no. 4, Cernavoda, judet Constanta, 4422 2801, 94.7 miles E of Bucharest and 75 km from Constanta. Present town population is 25,000-100,000 with no Jews.

  • Local Authority: Mayor Hinsa Gheorghe, Str. G. Cosbuc no. 1, Cernavoda. Phone: 041/238433.
  • Local religious authority: The Jewish Community of Constanta, Str. Sarmizegetusa no. 3, Constanta. Phone: 041/611598.
  • National religious authority: The Federation of the Jewish Communities of Romania, Sf. Vineri Str., no. 9-11, sector 3, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Interested:. "A.D. Xenopol" Institute of History, Lascar Catargi Str., no. 15, 6600-Iasi (judet Iasi), Romania. Tel. 032/212614; e-mail: Director: Alexandru Zub.
  • Caretaker and key holder: Mutu Victor, Str. Cochirleni no. 4, Cernavoda

The Jewish population by census was 58 in 1900 and was 38 in 1930. The cemetery was established in 19th century. Last known burial was 1960 in the unlandmarked Orthodox cemetery, 4 km from the congregation that used it.

The isolated suburban hillside has no sign or marker. Reached via private property, access is entirely closed. A fence with a gate that locks surrounds the site. Approximate pre-WWII size was 50 m x 70 m. Approximate post-WWII size is 20 m x 20 m. Fourteen stones are visible and in original location. More than 75% of the stones are toppled or broken. Location of stones removed from the cemetery is unknown. Vegetation overgrowth in the cemetery is not a problem. Water drainage is good all year.

The oldest known gravestone dates from 19th century. The 19th and 20th century limestone and sandstone tombstones have Hebrew inscriptions. Some have traces of painting on their surfaces, iron decorations or letting, bronze decorations or lettering, and other metallic elements. Some have portraits on stones.

A private individual/s owns the property used for (Mutu Victor) orchard. Adjacent properties are agricultural. Compared to 1939, the cemetery boundaries enclose a smaller area. Rarely, local residents stop. The never vandalized cemetery has no maintenance. Current care is regular unpaid caretaker. No structures. Weather erosion is a moderate threat.

Lucian Nastasă, Clinicilor Str., no. 19, Cluj, Romania, tel. 064/190107. email: visited the site and completed the survey on 15 May2001 using the following documentation:

  • Recensamintul general al populatiei Romaniei, 1930, vol.II, publicat de
    Sabin Manuila, Bucuresti, 1938.
  • Izvoare si marturii referitoare la evreii din Romania, I-III/1-2,
    Bucuresti, 1986-1999.

Lucian Nastasă interviewed Mutu Victor, Str. Cochirleni no. 4, Cernavoda. [January 2003]