Alternate names: Boghiş [Rom], Csengerbagos [Hun], Mëzocsenger, Csenger. 47°46' N, 22°40' E, 10 miles WSW of Satu Mare, 5 miles S of Csenger, Hungary. 582 (in 1877). composed of two villages, Boghiș and Bozieș
DAN HAS, Presedinte
Telefon : +40 744 647 119
See Blog: for photo [Jan 2017]
4709 2246, 246.8 miles NW of Bucharest and and 13 km from Simleul Silvaniei at . Alternate Hungarian names: Bagos and Szilagybagos. Current town population is under 1,000 with no Jews.
- Local authority: mayor Kasa Erno, Nusfalau, tel. 677 803.
- Local religious authority: The Jewish Community of Oradea, Mihai Viteazu str., No. 4, 3700 Oradea, Romania, tel. 0040-59-134843 (132587)
- National religious authority: Federation of Jewish Communities Romania, Str. Sf. Vineri 9-11, Bucureşti, Tel: (40-1) 613-2538, 143-0010-100. Contact: Mr. Alex Silvan
- Interested: Dr. Moshe Carmilly" Institute for Hebrew and Jewish Hitory, Universitatii str., no.7-9, Room 61, 3400 Cluj Napoca, Romania, director: Ladislau Gyemant
- Caretaker: none
The Jewish population by census was eight in from 1850 21 in 1880, 39 in 1900, 47 in 1910, and 16 in 1930. In May 1944, the Jews were gathered in the Cehei ghetto, then in Simleul Silvaniei and were deported to Auschwitz on May 31, June 6, 8. The unlandmarked Orthodox cemetery dates from 19th century. The last known Jewish burial was 20th century.
The isolated rural/agricultural flat land no sign or marker. Reached by a public road, access is open to all via a fence and a non-locking gate. The pre- and post-WWII size is 30 sq.m. 1-20 stones are visible with 1-20 stones in original location and 1-20 stones not in original location. Less than 25% are toppled or broken. Vegetation overgrowth is a seasonal problem preventing access. Water drainage is good all year. No sections.
The oldest known gravestone dates from 19th century. 19th and 20th century limestone and sandstone flat shaped and smoothed and inscribed common gravestones with Hebrew inscriptions. No known mass graves. The national Jewish community owns the property used only as a Jewish cemetery. Adjacent properties are agricultural.
Rarely, private Jewish or non-Jewish visitors stop. Care is occasional clearing of vegetation by individuals. No structures. Weather erosion and vegetation are moderate threats.
Cosmina Popa, Tatra str., no. 4, tel. 064/ 128764, Cluj -Napoca, 3400 and Ioana Oprea, Bd. 21 Decembrie, 13-15, 064/190849, Cluj-Napoca, 3400 completed the survey and visited the site on September 28, 2000.
- Recensamantul din 1850. Transilvania (The Census from 1850. Transylvania) coord. : Traian Rotariu, Cluj 1996.
- Recensamantul din 1857. Transilvania (The Census from 1857. Transylvania) coord. : Traian Rotariu, Cluj 1997.
- Recensamantul din 1880. Transilvania (The Census from 1880. Transylvania) coord. : Traian Rotariu, Cluj 1997.
- Recensamantul din 1900. Transilvania (The Census from 1900. Transylvania) coord.: Traian Rotariu, Cluj, 1999
- Recensamantul din 1910. Transilvania (The Census from 1910. Transylvania) coord. : Traian Rotariu, Cluj 1999.
- Moshe Carmilly-Weinberger, History of the Jews of Transilvania (1623-1944), Bucuresti, 1994, in Romanian, Budapest, 1995, in Hungarian
- Recensamantul general al populatiei din 29 decembrie 1930 (The General Census of the Population from December 29, 1930), vol. II, Bucuresti 1938
- Szilagy megye ? Salaj zsidosaganak emlekkonyve, ed. Giladi David, Tel Aviv, 1989.
- Recensamintul general al populatiei din Romania din 7 ianuarie 1992 (The General Census of the Population of Romania from January 7, 1992), vol. I, Bucuresti, 1994
- Coriolan Suciu, Dictionar istoric al localitatilor din Transilvania (The historical dictionary of localities from Transylvania), vol. I-II, Bucuresti, 1967
- Unnamed interviewees.