International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies

HANNOVER: 30167 Lower Saxony Normal 0 (Gerz)
Oberstr., Am Judenkirchhof was mentioned first in a document of 1661 (but existed for perhaps already 300 years) and was closed in 1864.
an der Strangriede 54 was used from 1864 until 1960
Ot. Bothfeld, Burgwedeler Str.9O
Has been used since 1960.
Hannoverische Geschichtsblaetter 15 (1961), 1-76, Heft 1/2 [contains several contributions on the old Jewish cemetery, including: Lazarus, Ludwig: "Zur Geschichte des Friedhofs", 3-10; Wahl, Margret: "Bestandsuebersicht der Grabsteine", 15-63; IBZ] [Survey of tombstones]. In the "Hannoversche Geschichtsblaetter 15" all tombstones are catalogued, the positions of them marked on a map and an attempt made to reconstruct the families buried here. These efforts done, including all the information from the book from the "Landrabbiner" Dr. Selig Gronemann, written in 1913, who made a very thorough survey of the cemetery.
Der alte juedische Friedhof in Hannover/von Margret Wahl/ Hannover: Hannoversche Geschichtsblaetter, 1961. 76p. illus., fold. map. 24cm. Contents: Lazarus: Zur Geschichte des Friedhofs.- Reden: Der Sandberg als Redensches Lehen Wahl: Bestandsuebersicht der Grabsteine.- Plath: Die Grabsteine, Formen und Symbole.- Nachtrag.- ID # DS 135 G4 H38 W3 Source: LBI
Gestern und Heute; Juden im Landkreis Hannover Homeyer, Friedel; A survey of the cemeteries in the district of Hannover (surrounding Hannover but not the city of Hannover) is included in the book called _Yesterday and Today, Jews in the District of Hannover_ by Friedel Homeyer, published by the Landkreis (= District) of Hannover in 1984 which is a very nice book. Hannover: Landkreis Hannover, 1984. 324 p. illus., facsims., col. maps, plans, ports., tables. 30 cm. Bibliography: p. 323. ID # q DS 135 G4 H38 H64 Source: LBI
Juden in Hannover; beitraege zur Geschichte und Kultur einer Minderheit/von Peter Schulze; Texte und Bilder der Ausstellungen "Juden in Hannover" und "Historische Thoravorhaenge aus Hannovers frueheren Synagogen" in der alten Predigthalle. Mit einem Beitrag ueber die Geschichte des juedischen Friedhofs An der Strangriede, von Peter Schulze. Hannover, 1989. 130 p. illus., facsims., maps, plans, ports. 30 cm. (Kulturinformation, Nr. 19) ID # q DS 135 G4 H38 S38 Source: LBI
The book "Juden in Hannover" contains a report about the cemetery In der Strangriede. The author Peter Schulze is the town archivist who is in charge of the Jewish history of the town. Perhaps it would be a good idea to contact him and tell him about the project. He has done extensive research, mostly on the cemetery In der Strangriede. Source: Juliane on Jewishgen.
ΓΌ Sefer Hachajim -The book by S. E. Blogg from 1856 is a prayer book and contains no names. Also other books published by him did not contain any names. 392. IX 7 S.E. Blogg, "Sefer Hachajim," Memorial Book (Hannover, 1856). Source: LBI
Das Kabronimbuch (Totengraeberbuch) der Hanauer juedischen Gemeinde-In: Hannauisches Magazin 9 (1923) Both old cemeteries in Hannover are, and were at the time, within the city and surrounded by appartment houses, not at a remote place where one could have forgotten them. Comments on books in Hannover were supplied by Juliane-sorry address and last name is missing.