Alternate names: Lipovets [Rus], Lipovetz [Yid], Lypovets' [Ukr], Lipowiec [Pol], Lipovec, Lypovec'. 49°14' N, 29°03' E, 26 miles E of Vinnytsya (Vinnitsa), 105 miles SW of Kyyiv. Jewish population: 4,135 (in 1897), 1,353 (in 1939)
- JewishGen Ukraine SIG
- Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego (1880-1902), V, pp. 285-288: "Lipowiec".
- Shtetl Finder (1980), p. 48: "Lipovetz".
- Encyclopedia of Jewish Life (2001), p. 735: "Lipovets".
- Еврейская энциклопедия (1906-1913), "Липовец".
- Last week, I visited Lipovets. Another Jewish cemetery within the village is in very poor condition. I have other photos of stones. No Jews remain in Lipovets. JoAnn Bornstein Jensen [August 2016]
LIPOVETS: US Commission No. UA01280101
Alternate name: Lipovec (Yiddish), Lipowiec (Polish) and Lipovetz (Ukraine). Lipovets is located in Vinnitskaya at 49º14 29º3, 38 km from Vinnitsa. Present town population is 25,001-100,000 with 11-100 Jews.
- Town officials: Kagluk Town Executive Council [Phone (04358) 21250].
- Jewish Community Chairman Ubochey Mikhalo Abramovich [Phone (04358)21081].
The earliest known Jewish community was 1600. The Jewish population in 1926 was 3605. Effecting Jewish Community were1648-49 total liquidation of Jewish society, 1653-54 attacks by various armies of Hetman Charnetski, 1702-1704, 1737,1748 Haydamayski pogroms, 1919 Pogrom and 1941, 1942, 1943 shooting of town Jewish population.
The Jewish cemetery was established in 1700 century with last known Hasidic burial 1993. No other towns or villages used this unlandmarked cemetery. The isolated urban flat land has no sign or reached by turning directly off a private road, access is open to all. No wall, fence, gate or mass graves exist. 501 to 5000 stones, few in original location with more than 75% toppled or broken date from 17th century. Location of any removed stones is unknown. Vegetation overgrowth is a constant problem, damaging stones. Water drainage at the cemetery is a seasonal problem. The cemetery has no special sections. Some tombstones have metal fences around graves. The cemetery property now is Jewish cemetery and waste dump. Adjacent properties are residential. The cemetery boundaries are smaller now than 1939. Rarely do local residents visit. The cemetery was vandalized occasionally in the last ten years and between 1945 and 1981.
Surveyor is unlisted. Documentation: Town Populations in the Podol Region. Kamenets-Podol. A. Krylov.1905; History of Towns and Villages in Ukraine. Vinnitska Oblast. Kiev. 1969; Short Jewish Encyclopaedia. Jerusalem 1976; Jewish Encyclopaedia in 16 vols. Brokgayz-Efron; Encyclopaedia Judaica in 17 Vols. Jerusalem.
Photos courtesy of JoAnn Jensen [August 2016]