International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies



US Commission No. SLCE000277

Mojmirovce is located S of Nitra. Last known Jewish burial was in 1977. The flat urban site, separate but near other cemeteries, has no sign or marker. Reached by crossing a garden, access is open to all via a fence and a locking gate. Present size of the cemetery is 30x100 meters. 100-500 19th-20th century marble, granite, and sandstone flat shaped tombstones or finely smoothed and inscribed stones are in original locations. Inscriptions are German, Hebrew, and Slovakian. The property is Jewish cemetery only. Adjacent properties are residential and cemetery. The pre- and post-1939 boundaries are the same. Occasionally, private visitors stop. Restoration: Re-erection of stones, patching broken stones, cleaning stones, and clearing vegetation. There is a regular caretaker. No threats.


January 2009:

Map of Village

Photos of Village

Village Mojmírovce

Erb Mojmírovce Address: Phone:
00 421 37 779 84 70,779 85 32
Obecný úrad Fax: 00 421 37 779 81 01
Mojmírovce 931 Email:,
951 15 Mojmírovce

Region: Nitriansky
District: Nitra
Micro region: Nitriansky
Inhabitants: 2 700
Area: 1 986 ha
First paper reference: in year 1156
Mayor: Imrich Kováč
Chief: Ing. Eva Lobotková