Kolta, now in Slovakia, was part of Hungary. The closest city to Kolta is Novy Zamke (Uj Var). In Kolta and in Novy Zamke, Hungarian, as well as Slovak, is spoken. The Orthodox Jewish cemetery exists off the road on Hlavna Ulica (Main Street). The cemetery is in poor condition, although occasionally, the grass is cut. The neighbor has taken many gravestones for use by his pigsty. I visited Kolta in 1996, but being a Kohen, I stood outside as my daughters visited Reichardt ancestors' graves. In Novy Zamke, we found an unused synagogue for sale. We found no known Jews living in either town. Source: Abe Kohen
US Commission No. SLCE000336
Kolta is located E of Nove Zamky. The suburban hillside cemetery, separate but near other cemeteries, has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all via a fence and a locking gate. Present size of the cemetery is 50x50 meters. 20-100 marble, granite, and sandstone 19th-20th century tombstones, in original locations, are flat shaped tombstones or finely smoothed and inscribed stones with Hebrew and German inscriptions. The property is Jewish cemetery only. Adjacent properties are residential. Private visitors visit occasionally. Individuals clear or clean occasionally. Vandalism is only a slight threat.
January 2009:
Map of Village
Village Kolta |
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Address: | Phone: |
Obecný úrad | Fax: | 00 421 35 647 91 31 | ||
Kolta 1 | Email: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | ||
941 33 Kolta SLOVAKIA |
Web: | www.kolta.sk |
Region: | Nitriansky | |
District: | Nové Zámky | |
Micro region: | Thermal-Podhájska | |
Inhabitants: | 1500 | |
Area: | 2585 ha | |
First paper reference: | in year 1337 | |
Mayor: | Štefan Čomor |