Alternate names: Kežmarok [Slov], Késmárk [Hun], Käsmark [Ger], Kieżmark [Pol], Kesmarkium [Lat], Alsókázsmárk. 49°08' N, 20°26' E, 38 miles WNW of Prešov (Eperjes), on the Poprad Rive in E Slovakia. The traditional center of the Spiš region. Jewish population: 659 (in 1890), 1,145 (in 1919). Its large and active Jewish community. , der the auspices of the First Slovak Republic, deported to German death camps nearly 3,000 of the town's Jews.
- Toldot yehude Kezmarok ve-ha-sevivah
(Jerusalem, 1992) - Yehude Kezhmarok ve-ha-sviva bi-tekufat ha-shoa
(, 1999) - Pinkas ha-kehilot; entsiklopediya shel ha-yishuvim le-min hivasdam ve-ad le-aher shoat milhemet ha-olam ha-sheniya: Slovakia
(Jerusalem, 2003) Wikipedia. Jewish Culture in Kezmarok and the area on Vimeo
Kežmarok - Spectacular Slovakia - Sme
Kežmarok Museum -
- [UPDATE] Photos by Charles Burns [November 2017]
- Toldot yehude Kezmarok ve-ha-sevivah
- JOWBR: Jewish Cemetery
- On Poľná ul.w ithin the city in a builtup area of family houses, the 70 x55m Orthodox cemetery contains approximately 406 visible gravestones and a small structure formerly used a ceremonial hall The oldest known gravestone dates from1875. Men and women were buried separately. Cohanim were buried in the separate row near the former ceremonial hall. Directly opposite the entrance gate standso hel of a local rabbi ,Abraham Grünburg. Gravestones with Hebrew, German and Hungarian inscriptions were carved from sandstone, marble, granite. One metal gravestone is found. Gravestones reflect social statusand the taste of the local community and includie typucal Art Nouveau geometric and floral decorations as well as traditional symbols like Levite ewer, blessing hands of Cohanim, the Star of David, crown, candlestick and weeping willow. The last burial took place in 2002. Well maintained for the last decade by the local NGO "Porozumenie" ("Understanding") and financial support of the Union of the Slovak Jewish communities. Key to the cemetery is available upon request. Please contact Mr. Herz, cell phone: +421 911 821 239 or +421 904 416046. [Sep 2014]
- artial burial list. [January 2010]
- As of June 2009, 555 tombstones have been photographed, but not all of the tombstones are complete or even have readable information. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [July 2009]
- Jewish Cemetery Address: Tehelka ulica, two blocks from Michalovska ulica and close to the train station. Follow Michalovska ulica that begins at the left of the train station. The entrance is a locked iron door. The keys are at the Technicke Sluzby (the municipality's cleaning services) located at Polna ulica [street], a few blocks from the cemetery. Before going to Kezmarok, contact the UZZNO in Bratislava (Federation of Slovak Jewish Communities). They give instructions to the Technicka Sluzba to release the keys. UZZNO's telephone is 011-421-7 531 2167. The person in charge is Mr. Weisz. He speaks Slovak, Hungarian and German, and very poor English. The small cemetery is quite easy to traverse to find a grave. According to the old Orthodox practice, the area is divided into male and female sections. A plan of the cemetery. The cemetery is in reasonable shape, exhibiting care. There are no signs of vandalism, however many fallen tombstones were not re-erected. About 40% of the gravestones are limestone and sandstone. Their inscriptions are hard to read. The small area, surrounded by a low brick wall topped with barbed wire, probably contains 300 to 400 graves, some dating from the late 18th century. The most recent grave found is dated 1973. At the far end is a small pre-burial house, unused for quite a while. Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [date?
- UPDATE: Mikulas Lipitak in Kezmarok set up the exhibit in Kezmarok. Also, he organized the cemetery cleanup and tombstone documentation project. Source: Madeleine Isenberg [May 2003]
- UPDATE: photo of the cemetery [May 2003]
- "Someone in Kezmarok is preparing for an exhibit of Jewish Life in Kezmarok to be held on June 14, 2001. At this time, I think that no Jews are left in the town." source: Madeleine Isenberg who visited the site in 1997 and has a website with a small photo that she is willing to share. She kindly provided the plan of the cemetery which is linked to above. [May 2001]
- US Commission No. SLCE000067
Kezmarok is located N of Poprad. The isolated flat urban location pre-burial house has Hebrew inscriptions. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all via a masonry wall and locking gate. 100-500 19th-20th century tombstones in original locations are marble, granite, limestone, sandstone, and other materials flat shaped or finely smoothed and inscribed stones with Hebrew and German inscriptions. The property is Jewish cemetery only. Adjacent properties are residential. Private visitors occasionally visit it. A regular caretaker clears vegetation. No threats.
January 2009:
Map of Town
Photos of Town
Town Kežmarok |
![]() |
Address: | Phone: |
Mestský úrad | Fax: | 00 421 52 466 01 27 | ||
Hlavné Námestie 1 | Email: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | ||
060 01 Kežmarok SLOVAKIA |
Web: | |
Region: | Prešovský | |
District: | Kežmarok | |
Micro region: | Spišský | |
Inhabitants: | 17105 | |
Area: | 2483 ha | |
First paper reference: | in year 1251 | |
Mayor: | Ing. Igor Šajtlava | |
Chief: | Ing. Miroslav Perignath |