US Commission No. ROCE-0045 -
Nearby the railway and the rail station, the cemetery neighboring the rail station in the old Catholic cemetery is covered by trees and bushes impossible to cross. No real access to the area. Alternate/former name is Borossebes (Hungarian). 81 km from Arad at 4 611 2119, possibly 47º35' 22º 07'. Current town population is 1,000-5000 with no Jews.
- Mayor Lambig Marius, Sebis, phone: +40-57-42.20.08
- The Jewish Community of Arad, 10, Tribunul Dobra Street, 2900 Arad, Romania. Tel. +40-57-281310
- The Federation of the Jewish Communities of Romania, Sfintu Vineri Street, no. 9-11, Sector 3, Bucharest, Romania
- Interested: "Dr. Moshe Carmilly" Institute for Hebrew and Jewish History, Universitatii Street no. 7-9, room 61, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Director: Ladislau Gyemant.
- Key holder: unlocked,
- Interested: Puticiu Romulus, Parcul Libertatii Street, no. 5, Sebis, phone: +40-57-42.01.45
Date of the earliest known Jewish community in town. The Jewish population by 1880 census was 72 and by 1910 census was 124. The unlandmarked Orthodox cemetery dates from beginning of the 19th century. "There is an old story about some noteworthy Jews being buried there. Years ago a delegation of rabbis came from Israel to look for their traces, but no one can anymore remember them." Last known burial was around 1950.
The urban flat land, part of the Catholic cemetery, is reached by turning directly off a public road. Access is open to all with no fence or gate. Approximate pre- and post-WWII size is 50 m X 15 m. No stones are visible. Vegetation overgrowth and water drainage in the cemetery are constant problems. The national Jewish community owns the cemetery property now used for Jewish cemetery only. Properties adjacent to cemetery are residential and other. Compared to 1939, the cemetery boundaries enclose the cemetery boundaries enclose the same area. Rarely, private visitors visit the cemetery. No care. No maintenance. No structures.
Uncontrolled access, vegetation overgrowth, or theft is very serious threat. Weather erosion and pollution are moderate threats. Overdeveloped vegetation damaging the stones. Vandalism is a very serious threat. "Stolen stones [sic] and breaking stones [sic[ for an easier transportation. "
Asst. Prof. Alexandru Pecican, Almasului Street, Bl. R1, apt. 14, Cluj-Napoca, 3400 visited the site and completed the survey on September 14, 2000 using the following documentation:
- The Transylvanian Census from 1880, Bucharest, Staff Publishing House, 1997;
- The Transylvanian Census from 1910, Bucharest, Staff Publishing House, 1999;
- The General Census of the Population of Romania - December 29, 1930, I-III, Bucharest, 1938
- Carmilly-Weinberger, Moshe. History of the Jews of Transylvania (1623-1944), Bucharest, 1994 (in Romanian)
- Coriolan Suciu, Dicþionar istoric al localitãþilor din Transilvania, I-II, Bucharest, 1968.
August 27, 2000, he interviewed Puticiu Romulus, Parcul Libertatii Street, no. 5, Sebis, phone: +40-57-42.01.45. [January 2003]