ALTERNATE NAMES: DEVA [ROM], DÉVA [HUN], DIEMRICH [GER]. 45°53' N, 22°54' E. Capital of Hunedoara judet. 1900 Jewish population: 529. The Jewish Community of Deva, Libertatii Street no. 9, Romania, tel. 0040-54-215550. [Mar 2014]
- JewishGen Romania SIG
- JewishGen Hungary SIG
- Wikipedia. [Mar 2014]
- Holocaust. [Mar 2014]
The synagogue dates from the nineteenth century, probably 1897[inscription found on the steps of one of the stairs] architect Ignatius Mahler. Between 1905-1907, the synagogue was rebuilt and was restored in 2003-2004 with funds allocated by Deva City Hall. The Jewish community is documented since 1851 (1858 according to some sources). Seiger and Blum families substantially contributed to the development of the community. Vedel Shamuel is the oldest rabbi known in Deva. 1939 Jewish population: about 900. In 1941 about 400 Jewish people fleeing other place came to Deva and stayed crammed in the synagogue. The community had HevraCadisha. Before the war, in Deva two Jewish communities existed, probably Neolog and Orthodox. 2005 Jewish population: 45 Hebrew. The synagogue is landmarked. [Mar 2014]
Edgar Hauster town information. [Mar 2014]
- Photos courtesy Edgar Hauster [2013]