US Commission No. POCE000318
Alternate German name: Shmigiel. Town is in region Leszczynskie at 52º01' 6º32', 21 km from Leszno and 48 km from Poznan. Cemetery: ul. Stanislawa Skarzynskiego. Present town population is 5,000-25,000 with no Jews.
- Local: Burmistrz [Mayor] Jerzy Ciesla, ul. Kilinskiego 14, 64-0300 Smigiel, tel. 282 and Pella Blandyna, Urzad Miejski w Smiglu, Pl. Wojska Polskiego 6, 64-030 Smigiel, tel. 3-139, 353, 20-78-23.
- Regional: Ewa Piesiewicz, Panstwowy Urzad Ochrany Zabytkow w Lasznie, ul. Mickiewiczla 5, tel. 20-62-83.
1921 Jewish population was 13 (0.3%). Hejmann Kirzezunge lived here. The last known Conservative or Progressive/Reform Jewish burial was 29 June 1933. The unlandmarked, isolated, urban flat land has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is entirely closed with a continuous masonry wall and partial fence with a new gate that locks belonging to the new users (a garden). The pre-WWII size was and now is 0.26 ha. No stones are visible. Removed stones are stored elsewhere by the municipality. The municipality owns the property used for agriculture. Adjacent property is residential. Rarely, private visitors stop. It was vandalized during World War II. There is no care. Within the limits of the cemetery are a pre-burial house and a gravedigger's house. No threats.
Dariusz Czwodrak, ul. Lipowa 22 a/4, 67-400 Wschowa completed survey on 7 Nov 1991. He visited the site for this survey on 6 Nov 1991 and interviewed Pella Blandyna.
"I visited the Lutheran graveyard where Dr Darius Czwojdrak, who has read them to the best of his ability, laid out the Jewish headstones in that cemetery. Contact the Lezno Museum, which is a credit to Dr Czwojdrak. He could give the names he discovered. I would like to find some money to embed the laid out stones with a surround and some gravel. This would ensure that the grass does not overgrow them and that they will remain a visible memorial for the children of the town. I had no response from the Lauder Foundation or the Historical Institute in Warsaw about this. Source: Susanne Dyke at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [4 Aug 2001]