51°38' N 16°54' E, 179.6 miles WSW of Warszawa. Sarnowa is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Ślesin within Konin powiat, Greater Poland Voivodeship in west-central Poland, 3 kilometres (2 mi) NWof Ślesin, 19 km (12 mi) north of Konin, and 93 km (58 mi) east of the regional capital Poznań. The village has a population of 24.
US Commission No. POCE000316
Alternate German name: SARNE. The town is located in Leszczynskie region at 51º38' 16º54', 36 km from Leszno and 66 km from Wroclaw. Cemetery: within the waste dump. From the Sarnowski Square, take Paderewskiego, then Wiatraczna Street, then the dirt road toward the railway. Present town population is 1,000-5,000 with no Jews.
- Local: Burmistrz [Mayor] inz. B. Lashoowicz, ul. Westerplatte 7/10, 63-900 Rawicz, tel. 52-78 and Teresa Sedziak, Urzad Miasta I Gminy w Rawiczu, ul. J. Krasickiego 21, 63-900 Rawicz, tel. 21-14, tlx. 045253.
- Regional: mgr. Eva Piesiewicz, Pasntwowa Sluzba Zabytkow w Lesznie, ul. Mickiewicza 5. tel. 20-63-83.
1921 Jewish population was 0. The Conservative and Progressive/Reform cemetery is unlandmarked. The isolated rural flat land has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all with no fence, wall or gate. The cemetery is 0.05 ha. The present size is impossible to determine. No stones are visible. The municipality owns property used for waste dumping. Adjacent property is agricultural. It was vandalized during World War II and during the last ten years. No care or structures. The cemetery was devastated totally while being turned into a part of waste dump. Vegetation is a problem.
Dariusz Czwojdrak, ul. Lipowa 22a/4, 67-400 Wschowa completed survey on 9 Nov. 1991 after a visit 8 Nov. 1991. He interviewed B. Lachowicz of Rawicz on 8 Nov. 1991.