Alternate names: Rozwadów [Pol], Rozvedov, ראָזוועדאָוו [Yid], Rozvadov, Stalowa Wola [Pol, since 1973].50°35' N, 22°03' E, 16 miles E of Tarnobrzeg, 37 miles N of Rzeszów. Incorporated into the city of Stalowa Wola in 1973. Jewish population: 1,678 (in 1880), 3,373 (in 1910). Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego (1880-1902), IX, p. 846: "Rozwadów" #1.Yizkor: Sefer yizkor Rozwadow ve-ha-seviva. (Jerusalem, 1968). ShtetLink. Rozwadow is a town in SE Poland that was a suburb of Stalowa Wola, founded as a town in 1690 and incorporated into Stalowa Wola in 1973.This thriving Jewish shtetl prior to World War II was closely associated with the nearby Jewish communities of Tarnobrzeg, Ulanów, Mielec, and Dzików. In 1727 a synagogue and thirty houses were owned by Jews in Rozwadow. In 1765, 333 Jewish poll-tax payers and 35 in the surrounding villages formed this shtetl. In 1880, 1,628 Jews (76%) lived in the town and were engaged in small trade and crafts such as carpentry, tailoring, shoemaking, the manufacture of soap, and making shirts for the peasants. The wealthiest (known as the Danzig merchants) exported timber to Germany by raft and contracted local peasants for agricultural work in Prussia. 1939 Jewish population was 2,000+. On September 24, 1939, the Germans captured the town; on October 2, the Jews were deported across the San River into the Soviet-held Poland. Later, Jews were permitted to return,. By September 1940, about 400 Jews lived in the Judenrat. On July 21, 1942, some Jews were sent to Debica, some killed in a nearby forest; others deported to camps at Tarnobrzeg, Pustkow, Rzeszow, Mielec, Stalowa Wola, and other localities. Later, a labor camp was established in the town where Jews were brought in as slave laborers from Sieniawa, Lezajsk, Wieliczka, Wolbrom, Przemysl, Rzeszow, and the vicinity to work in steel factories of Stalowa Wola. About 1,000 Jews died in this camp. Hidden Jew. Visit. In the market and the path leading to the church entrance contains the gravestones taken from the Jewish cemetery, at the church placed with the Hebrew facing upward. Normal 0 In the early 1940s, the Nazis ordered the Jews to the market. T Those who failed to do so were pulled out on the road and shot, then laid naked on the town square and taken by cart to the Jewish cemetery by workers and other Jews. Later, the gravestones were taken for road construction. [June 2009]
CEMETERY: Grebow, 4 miles away, used this cemetery. The cemetery with no gravestones has a complex of railroad lines running through the property. Mass grave here. photo. [June 2009]