53°39' N 15°07' E, 263.1 miles WNW of Warszawa. This town in Goleniow powiat in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship of NW Poland with 16,733 inhabitants in 2004 is located on a lake with sandy beaches.
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Jews first settled in Nowogrodzie in the 15th century, subject to certain restrictions. Growth in that population occurred only in the 19th century as Jews from the countryside moved to the cities. Jewish population: 1799-147;1800-986 persons; 1857-50%;1908-1,542; and 1921-514. During WW I, the Russians ordered the Jews to leave the city. In the interwar period, Zionism was very popular. Rabbi Paltrowicz, grandfather known Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow, lived here. In September 1939, of the many Jews, who sought refuge in Lomza, most survived. [June 2009]
US Commission No. POCE000204
Alternate German name: Naugard. Nowogard is located in region Szczecin at 53º40 15º10, 48 km from Szczecin. Alternate German name: Naugard. The address of the cemetery is ul. Wojska Polskiego, Nowogard 72-200. Present town population is 1,000-5,000 with no Jews.
- Town: Burmistrz; Krauze, Urzad Gminy i Miasta Nowogard, 72-200 Nowogard, tel. 200-60, 200-74, 201- 45 Nowogard.
- Local: Urzad Gminy i Miasta Nowogard, Wydzial Geodezji i Gospodarki Gruntami, 72-200 Nowogard.
- Regional: mgr. Ewa Stanecka-Wojewodzki Konserwator Zabytkow ul, Kusnierska nr 20,70- 536 Szczecin, tel. 34-804 Szczecin.
- Interested: dr Alojzy Kowalczyk, ul. Moniuszki 4/B, 73-110 Stargard, tel. 73-44-40 Stargard. Urzad Rejonowy w Goleniowie, Wydzial Geodezji
The earliest known Jewish community was 1856 (maybe 1836). The Jewish cemetery was established about 1848-1850 withlast known Jewish burial about 1944 (1939?) The isolated urban flat land by water has no sign or marker. No wall, fence, or gate surrounds. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all. The size of the cemetery before W.W.II and now is approximately 0.25 hectares. 1 to 20 gravestones are visible, some in original location with less than 25% of the stones toppled or broken. Tombstones date from 1892- 20th century. The granite, limestone and sandstone rough stones or boulders or flat shaped stones have Hebrew and German inscriptions. The cemetery contains no known mass graves or structures. The municipality owns site used for recreation. Properties adjacent are recreational, agricultural and residential. Private visitors or local residents visit rarely. The cemetery was vandalized during W.W.II, and frequently now. No maintenance done. Vegetation overgrowth in the cemetery is a constant problem, disturbing graves and damaging stones. Water drainage is a seasonal problem. Slight threats: security, pollution, and incompatible nearby developments (existing and proposed).
A. Kowalczyk, ul. Moniuszki 4/B, 73-110 Stargard, tel. 73-44-40, who visited the site on October 10, 1991 completed survey on December 1, 1991. Documentation: Karta Cmentarza, Nowogard, ul. Wojska Polskiego.