
Alternate names: Veiviržėnai [Lith], Varzhan [Yid], Vevirzhany [Rus], Wewirżany [Pol], Veyvirzhenay, Verzhan, Vevirzhon, Veviržėnų, Vevirženai, Vėivėržienā, Russian: Вевирженай. וואַרזשאַן-Yiddish. 55°36' N, 21°36' E, 20 miles ESE of Klaipėda (Memel), 24 miles SSW of Plungė (Plungian), 61 miles WNW of Raseiniai (Rasayn). Jewish population: 281 (1847) and 259 (1923). Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego (1880-1902), XIII, pp. 247-248: "Wewirżany". Veivirzenai ( between Taurage and Kretinga ) was a camp for Jewish women who work the agricultural fields in 1943. Trucks filled with Jews from Pajuris, Shvekshna, Veivirzenai, Rietava, Kvedarna, and Laukuva were brought to Heidekrug labor camp, about 15 km from Neishtot, and shot and buried. [March 2009]

MASS GRAVE: Near the village of Trepkalnis, Veirirzenai county; 109; pic. # 132-133 US Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE