
Alternate names: Rozalimas [Lith], Rozalye [Yid], Rozalin [Rus, Pol], Rozalinas, Razalimas, Rozaumas, Rozalia, Russian: Розалимас / Розалин. ראָזאַליע-Yiddish. 55°53' N, 23°53' E, 21 miles WNW of Panevėžys (Ponevezh), 22 miles E of Šiauliai (Shavl), 6 miles S of Pakruojis (Pokroi). Jewish population: 265 (1897), 110 (1938). Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego (1880-1902), IX, p. 827: "Rozalin" #1. ShtetLink. [March 2009]

CEMETERY:Located on the road to Padubysys, the cemetery was established as soon as the Jewish community settled in the 19th century. A memorial stone on the edge of the cemetery erected in the 1980s read: "This is the old Jewish cemetery from Rozalimas. ‘Let them rest in peace' but the plaque was stolen. Overgrown with grass and wildflowers, remnants of gravestones remain. photos.

MASS GRAVE: All the Jewish men (except the few who were already shot or escaped) were taken one night during the summer of 1941 and were shot in the woods of Pakruojis, Morkakalnis. Very soon after, the Jewish women and children were driven out of their homes and forced into a fenced barn at house number.12 for one week. Some Jewish women and children from a neighbouring village Radviliskis were brought. During the day, people from Rozalimas took milk, bread, and potatoes to the Jewish women and children. On August 4, the Jewish women and children were forced into a big horse-drawn cart  and taken to Panevezys  (Kaizerlingas forest)/ Except for two young women who escaped, all were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators, except for two young women who escaped. [March 2009]

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE