town image. (pronounced ‘Zaw No Way Mo') Near the border with Lower Austria in the midst of a burgeoning wine industry, the city ion a rock outcropping on the steep left bank of the Dyje River and retains a number of its medieval architecture. St Nicolas` Church was built in 1348 by Emperor Charles IV; and the town hall, with its 75 m (250 ft) tower, dates from around 1446. Overlooking the Dyje River valley on the edge of the medieval city is Znojmo Castle dating from the 11th century. The royal city of Znojmo was founded shortly before 1226 by King Ottokar I on the plains lying in front of Znojmo Castle. The new Jewish cemetery was founded in 1868 when the old one was destroyed after Jews were expelled. In 1869, remains found in the old cemetery were marked by an obelisk. The cemetery is going to be reduced and a collumbarium of the more "valuable" tombstones will be established on the remaining area. map A ghetto street is documented in the first half of the 14th century because Jews were expelled in 1454 -1848, after which the Jewish community was reestablished. map [February 2009]
US Commission No. CZCE000211
Alternate names: Znojmo [Cz], Znaim [Ger], Znain, Znaym. Located in Morava-Znojmo 48°51' N, 16°03' E , in S Moravia, 36 miles SW of Brno (Brünn). Cemetery: 2.5 km North. Present town population is 25,000 to 100,000; fewer than 10 Jews
- Town: Magistrate Jan Hart, Mestsky Urad, Obrokova 10, 669 01 Znojmo; tel. 0624/6741. Responsible: Vaclav Mihulka, Mestsky Urad, Referat Kultury, Okrokova 10,669 01 Znojmo; tel. 0624/6741.
- Regional: PhDr. Jan Cech, Okresni Urad, Referat Kultury, 669 01 Znojmo; tel. 0624/4201.
- Interested: Jihomoravske Muzeum, dir. PhDr. Petr Suler, ulica Premyslovcu 2, 669 01 Znojmo; tel. 0624/4961. Jiri Grossmann, Janskeho 3, 669 01 Znojmo; tel. 0624/3082.
- Caretaker with key: Michal Svitok, Revolucni 23, 669 01 Znojmo; tel. 0624/3605.
Earliest known Jewish community was 1330. Jewish population: 674 (in 1890), 786 (in 1928). 1930 Jewish population was 675. Jews banished in 1454, but 1848 grant of residence established Jewish community in 1870. MUDr. E. Ullmann, medicine; Hugo Lederer, 1871-1940, sculptor; Dr. Isidor Kahan, rabbi; Siegmund Strauss, 1875-1942, engineer lived here. The Jewish cemetery originated in 1868 with last known Conservative burial in 1984. No other town or villages used this unlandmarked cemetery. MUDr. Kohn, founder of Kynzvart-Spa is buried here. The isolated rural (agricultural) hillside has a sign Czech and a plaque in Hebrew. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all via a continuous masonry wall with a locking gate. Approximate size of cemetery before World War II and now is 0.5 ha.
20-100 stones, all in original locations and 50-75% toppled or broken, are divided into old and new special sections. The oldest gravestone is second half of the 19th century. The marble, granite, limestone and sandstone flat shaped and inscribed stones, finely smoothed and inscribed stones or flat stones with carved relief decoration have Hebrew, German and Czech inscriptions. Some have traces of painting on their surfaces, bronze decorations or lettering, and/or metal fences around graves. The cemetery has a destroyed pre-burial house, a well, and a special memorial monument to the old cemetery but no known mass graves. Brno municipality owns the property used only for a Jewish cemetery. Adjacent properties are agricultural. Occasionally, private visitors stop. Vandalized frequently, regional/national authorities and Jewish groups within the country re-erected stones, cleared vegetation, and fixed wall and gate 1988 to 1990. Brno Jewish Congregation pays the regular caretaker. Slight treat: uncontrolled access and incompatible nearby existing development. Moderate threats: weather erosion, pollution and planned or proposed development. Serious threat: vegetation and vandalism.
Engineer arch. Jaroslav Klenovsky, Zebetinska 13, 623 00 Brno; tel. 0 completed survey on 1/3/1992 using Gold, Herman. Other documentation exists. Klenovsky visited site in 1991.