
Moravian-Silesian Region (Czech: Moravskoslezský kraj), or Moravo-Silesian Region, is an administrative unit (kraj) of the Czech Republic, located in the northeastern part of its historical region of Moravia and in most of the Czech part of the historical region of Silesia. The region borders the Olomouc Region (to the west) and Zlín Region (to the south). It also borders two other countries - Poland to the north and Slovakia to the east.

Once a highly industrialized region, it was called the "Steel Heart of the Country" in the communist era. Since the fall of the communism, these heavy industries, mainly steel works, have been in decline and the region suffers from high unemployment rates. There are, in addition, several mountainous areas where the landscape is relatively preserved.Nowadays, the economy of the region benefits from its location on the boundaries with two other Central European countries: Poland and Slovakia.

There are 302 municipalities, of which there are 39 towns, 16 with population over 10,000 inhabitants and 5 towns with over 60,000. These are the capital of the region Ostrava (314,102 in 2002), Havířov (85,271), Karviná (61,146), Opava (60,731) and Frýdek-Místek (60,603).

Districts of Moravia-Silesia

Traditionally, the region has been divided into six Districts (Czech: okresy) which still exist as regional units though most administration has been shifted to the Municipalities with Extended Competence and the Municipalities with Commissioned Local Authority.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE