Alternate names: Bučovice [Cz], Butschowitz [Ger]. 49°09' N, 17°00' E, 17 miles ESE of Brno (Brünn). Jewish population: 256 (in 1880), 64 (in 1930).
- Encyclopedia of Jewish Life (2001), p. 212: "Bucovice".
- JewishGen Austria-Czech SIG
- website in Czech with photo: " Birthplace of composer Joseph Fischhofa (1804-1857 Wien). In a small town museum exhibition devoted to the history of the Jewish Quarter - east of the square, ul.Komenského, Smetana, Zdanicky, from the original 49 houses only the fifth Neo-Romanesque synagogue was demolished in 1966 r.1853. The landmarked emetery on Hájecká street, 500 meters from the square, founded at least in the 17th century has an area of 4743 m2 with 376 tombstones, the oldest dating from 1767. The old entrance for carriages in the street was lost after WWII. At the entrance stands an eclectic ceremonial hall built in 1892, temporarily utilized as a garage. The rick enclosure wall due to the terrain slope is disrupted in places with gradual repair from 2006-11." [September 2011]
town image town image [February 2009]
Jewish population: 256 (in 1880), 64 (in 1930) See Encyclopedia of Jewish Life (2001), p. 212: "Bucovice". [February 2009]
US Commission Report No. CZCE000069:
Alternate name: Butschowitz in German. Bučovice [Cz]. The town is located in the province of Moravia at 49°09' N, 17°00' E', 17 miles ESE of Brno (Brünn). The cemetery is 0.7 km E, on Hajecka-Str. Present town population is 5,000-25,000 with than 10 Jews.
- Local: magistrate Engineer Kaarel Pogstefl, Mestsky Urad, Sovetska 758, 685 01 Bucovice, tel 0507/912445. Mrs. Mrazowa, Mestsky Urad-Referat Kultury, Sovetska 758, 685 01 Bucovice; tel. 0507/912441.
- Regional: Dr. Ivo Klenk, Okresni Urad-Referat Kultury, 682 01 Vyskov; tel. 0507/411.
- Interested: Muzeum Vyskovska, Director Dr. Frantisek Jordan, zamek, 682 01 Vyskov; tel. 0507/21147.
- Caretaker with key: Marie Vlachova, Hajecka 641, 685 01 Bucovice; tel. 0.
Earliest known Jewish community was 15th century. Jewish population: 256 (in 1880), 64 (in 1930). Historical events included synods of Moravian Jewish communities in 1708 and 1724. Noteworthy individuals included Rabbi Berhard Loewenstein, 1821-1888 and Josef Fischhof, musician, 1804-57. Cemetery originated in the 17th century with last known Conservative Jewish burial before 1942. Landmark: Nr. 3607 S.M. The isolated suburban hillside has Czech sign. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all via a continuous masonry wall, fence, and locking gate. Original and current size of the cemetery is 0.507 ha. 500-1,000, all in original location with 25-50% toppled or broken, date from 1767-20th century.
No stones have been removed. The marble, granite and sandstone flat shaped stones, finely smoothed and inscribed stones and flat stones with carved relief decoration have Hebrew, German and Czech inscriptions. Some tombstones have a trace of painting on their surfaces. There are no known mass graves. Brno Jewish community owns property now used only as a Jewish cemetery. Properties adjacent are residential. Occasionally, private visitors stop. It was vandalized during World War II and between 1945 and 1882. Local non-Jewish residents, regional or national authorities and Jewish groups within the country cleared vegetation and fixed wall in the 1980's. Brno Jewish community pays regular caretaker. A pre-burial house has wall inscriptions. Moderate threat: weather erosion. Both drainage and vegetation are seasonal problems; vegetation sometimes makes accessibility difficult. Security, pollution, vegetation, vandalism, and incompatible existing or proposed development are slight threats.
Eng. Architect Jaroslav Klenovsky, Zebetinska 13, 623 00 Brno, tel 0 completed survey on Mar. 7, 1992. Documentation: Jan Herman: Jewish Cemeteries of Bohemia and Moravia (1980). Other documentation was too old. J. Klenovsky visited the cemetery site in Nov. 1991.