
Plzeň Region (Czech: Plzeňský kraj) is an administrative unit (kraj) in the western part of Bohemia in the Czech Republic. It is named after its capital Plzeň (German: Pilsen).
Since 2003-01-01 the region has been divided into 15 Municipalities with Extended Competence (corresponding to Communes) which took over most of the administration of the former District Authorities. Some of these are further divided into Municipalities with Commissioned Local Authority (in brackets):
- Blovice (Spálené Poříčí)
- Domažlice (Kdyně)
- Horažďovice
- Horšovský Týn (Staňkov)
- Klatovy (Nýrsko, Plánice)
- Kralovice (Manětín, Plasy)
- Nepomuk
- Nýřany (Město Touškov, Všeruby, Třemošná)
- Pilsen (Starý Plzenec)
- Přeštice
- Rokycany (Radnice, Zbiroh)
- Stod (Dobřany, Holýšov)
- Stříbro (Bezdružice)
- Sušice (Kašperské Hory)
- Tachov (Bor, Planá u Mariánských Lázní)
Traditionally, the region has been divided into seven Districts (Czech: okresy) which still exist as regional units though most admistration has been shifted to the Municipalities with Extended Competence and the Municipalities with Commissioned Local Authority.
- Domažlice
- Klatovy
- Plzeň
- Plzeň-jih (South)
- Plzeň-sever (North)
- Rokycany
- Tachov