International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


Gorodok is a small town north of Vitebsk in Belarus at 55°28' 30°00'.

ShtetLink Information.

Gravestone photos and links about mass graves Berezovka and the Vorobiev Hills of Citizens of Gorodok: Winter of 1941.Information with links and information about the cemetery from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Jewish community was founded during the 18th century. Jewish population: 1772- 400 Jews, the majority; in 1897, 3,413 Jews in Gorodok (68%), and in 1926, 2,660 (48.3%), most of whom were Chabad Cḥasidim petty traders and artisans; and 1939 - 1,584 (21.7% of the total population). Gorodok was occupied by the Germans on July 9, 1941.MASS GRAVES: The Jews were herded into open fields outside the town In August 1941, 2,000 were murdered; the rest on October 14. [December 2009]

JOWBR burial listing [August 2010]

I am the Director of The Together Plan Charity based in London. We are helping to empower small and isolated Jewish communities in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Union. In Polotsk, Belarus, there is a small Jewish community who are now running a most wonderful cemetery project. Last weekend they discovered the completely overgrown Jewish cemetery in Bobynichi. They sent us photos and a report. A very large cemetery in Gorodok requires rehab. A member of the Chagall family os buried there. We have a history of the Jewish community of Gorodok which we can share. The cemetery project is proving to be a really valuable community project, bringing the existing Jewish community together and we really want to help to bring more support to enable it to develop. I look forward to hearing from you.Regards Debra Brunner/ Director, The Together Plan, UK registered charity no. 1154167.