
Official seal of Dzyatlava / Dyatlovo  Дзятлава / Дятлово Alternate names: Dzyatlava and Дзятлава [Bel], Zdzięcioł [Pol], Dyatlovo and Дятлово  [Rus], Zhetl and זשעטל  [Yid], Zietela [Lith], Dsjatlawa [Ger], Zdjatlava, Zdzentsyul, Dzentsel, Zhetel, Zetel, Zetl, Zietil, Zitl, Zozhetsiol, Zsetl, Dzięcioł, Dzięciołki, Dzdietel. Jewish population: 3,033 (in 1897), 3,450 (in 1926). 53°28' N, 25°24' E, 20 miles WSW of Navahrudak (Nowogródek), 26 miles N of Slonim, 29 miles S of Lida. Important residents of the Jewish community:

KehilaLinks. Bernard Kouchel [Z"l] [May 2009 and Oct 2014]]


1997 visit: A family member received a letter, which states the current condition of the one remaining Jewish cemetery in Zhetel and solicits donations to raise $10,000 to build a fence around the cemetery. The letter mentions that the first and oldest Jewish cemetery in Zhetel has already been destroyed and a housing project built on its site. The letter mentions Risha and Aaron Kovensky as the Zhetlers who recently visited the remaining cemetery and reported on its condition at the annual Zhetlers' meeting this year in Israel. The leader of the Zhetler landsmanschaft is Eframi Shefer, Irgun Zetl, Rechov Shibat Zion 41 Ramat-Gan, 52-391 Israel. If you would like to discuss Zhetel, please contact me. I have the Zhetel Yizkor Book and will gladly do searches for you. I would also be glad to send out copies of this detailed letter to anyone interested. Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Kensington, California. two photos. [October 2000]

Contact: Frank Swartz This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ';document.getElementById('cloak35e9f171e4e7806ca360886f3f4d1cd8').innerHTML += ''+addy_text35e9f171e4e7806ca360886f3f4d1cd8+'<\/a>';

UPDATE: "About 8 thousand are buried in 3 huge ditches in the northern suburb of Lida. Jews from Wilnius, Dyatlovo, Voronovo and other settlements surrounding Lida are buried in the same ditches." Source. [February 2004]

Photo and photo [March 2009]

photo. [February 2010]

photos [Oct 2014]

[UPDATE] Investigation of Execution Site by Yahad-in-Unum [August 2017]


Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE