International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


US Commission No. SLCE000284

Alternate name: Bátovce. Batovce is located NE of Levice at 4818 1845, 75.8 miles E of Bratislava.

Last known burial was in 1932. The isolated suburban agricultural hillside has no sign or marker. Reached by crossing a field and open to all via a broken masonry wall and no gate surround the site. Present size of the cemetery is 30x30 meters.

In original locations, 1-20 19th-20th century granite and sandstone flat shaped tombstones or finely smoothed and inscribed stones have Hebrew and Slovak inscriptions. Some have metal fences around graves. Adjacent properties are agricultural. Private visitors stop rarely. Vandalism is a moderate threat; vegetation is a very serious threat, disturbing graves and stones. Pollution is a minor threat. [date-pre 1997]

January 2009: Map of Village, History of Village, Photos of Village

Village Bátovce

Erb Bátovce Address: Phone:
00 421 36 639 41 01-2
Obecný úrad Fax: 00 421 36 639 41 02
Bátovce 2 Email:
935 03 Bátovce
Region: Nitriansky
istrict: Levice
Micro region: Tekov
Inhabitants: 1099
Area: 3163 ha
First paper reference: in year 1320
Mayor: Ing. Jaroslav Kurej
Mobile phone: +421 918 385 494