Cemetery: 21789 Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) (Gerz, Peters).
DISTRICT: Cuxhaven, community of Cadenberge.
- Judenfriedhof (Jews cemetery) in the Wingster Wald (Wingster Woods) . Walk from Ernst-August-von-der Wense-Weg parking lot.
- From prior to 1767 until 1926, consisting of an old, walled section and a later extension. The oldest datable gravestone is from 1802, with a Hebrew inscription.
- 5 gravestones remain in the old section, whilst in the newer part 20 are still visible. Most gravestones are badly weathered and a few have toppled over.
- Some photographs by the Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden.
- 1983 copies of the German gravestone inscription, 1985 photographs of all gravestones and 1983, 1997 mapping of graves by Klaus-Peter Schulz, Kreisheimatmuseum Osterholz
- Erich Müller: Die Grabmale des Wingster Judenfriedhofes pub. 2nd ed. 2007 by Cadenberge : Heimatfreunde Cadenberge, ill. 24 pages (DNB). A link to a précis of the book is here.
- History by Lembcke 1975
- History by Asaria1979, page205.
- Eric Müller's book in German (above) contains an extensive history of this cemetery, with mapping of graves and photographs of gravestones with copies of German inscriptions. It refers to the old section of this cemetery, which was declared full in 1850, when an extension to the north was acquired. Jewish families in adjoining communities were obliged to contribute to the cost of this extension, although fewer and fewer Jews lived in the area with the last burial taking place in 1926.
- This cemetery was severely vandalised several times during the Nazi era and also in 1976 and 1991. In that year restoration measures were taken to ensure that a recurrance of vandalism would not recurr.
SOURCE: University of Heidelberg.
(Researched and translated from German June 2009).