International Jewish Cemetery Project - Netherlands 327 names of burials. Source?
Alkmaar Jewish Cemetery [Joodse Begraafpaats Alkmaar]: Located 250 m from the Openbare Begraafplaats in Noord-Holland, the present town population is 25,000-100,000 with 100-1000 Jews. The locked Progressive-Reform cemetery key is located at Openbare Begraafplaats. The last known burial was in 2000. The isolated urban site, between houses, is separate, but near other cemeteries. A sign in Dutch and in Hebrew marks the site: "The stone will remind us, the sons and daughters of our community. Taken away and killed by the occupiers."
Reached by turning directly off a public road, the site is open with permission via a continuous fence, head of trees or bushes, and a gate that locks. 100-500 gravestones in the cemetery are in original location with more than 75% broken or toppled. Vegetation overgrowth is a constant problem, disturbing stones. Water drainage is good all year. No special sections. The oldest stone dates from around 1750. The 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st century granite and sandstone finely smoothed stones have Hebrew inscriptions. A special memorial monument to Holocaust victims exists.
The national Jewish community owns the property only used as a Jewish cemetery. Adjacent properties are commercial or industrial and residential. Compared to 1939, the boundaries are the same. Rarely, private Jewish and non-Jewish visitors stop at the site. Past care includes patching broken stones and clearing vegetation by local/municipal authorities. Current care is occasional clearing or cleaning by authorities. A preburial house exists. Vegetation is the oldest part of the cemetery is a very serious threat.
Bert de Jong, completed the survey on 12 Sep 2003. He visited the site in May 2003. No interviews or additional documentation were used to complete the survey. [October 2003]