International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


50°58' N 6°20' E, 320.4 miles WSW of Berlin. The village is now part of the city Boslar Linnich in Düren. The village overlooks the Malefinkbachs between Tetz and Hompesch . In the north it borders on Gevenich , Kofferen and Hottorf , to the south by Broich and the A 44

52441 North Rhine-Westphalia (Gerz)

  • Jewish Cemetery: In Jülich, between the municipalities and Boslar Tetz is the Jewish cemetery of the former municipality of Boslar. At An der Flur "Am Mühlenbruch", the cemetery is located on the hillside about 100 yards from the road. This cemetery is final witness of the former Jewish community in Boslar. The cemetery grounds of approximately 800 square meters of lawn, trees ,and shrubs is on a hillside bounded by an approximately two-meter high brick wall and on the other sides by a wooden picket fence. At one part of the wall standing on a concrete base are the remaining six gravestones. The Jewish community was founded in the early 19th century and belonged to the Muntz kahal. The cemetery was created in 1874 by the "special municipality Boslar / Tetz" of the Muntz kahal. In 1803 no Jews are documented so assume that the first Jewish families came in or after 1803. In 1811, the small Jewish community in Boslar had a prayer room, but used Tetz cemetery. In 1870, the Jewish cemetery in Tetz could then no longer be used due to rising ground water from the nearby creek. When they dug a grave, within an hour it was six meters high with water. Therefore, they investigated  a new suitable cemetery plot outside of the village. A suitable site found after a long search was der Flur "Am Mühlenbruch" between Boslar and Tetz about 460 meters from both places. photos. On 25 November 1873, the Royal Government issued to Aachen Jewish community permission to build on that land. However, that approval conditional to a fence being installed, with a minimum height of 2,25 meters. The cemeteries in Muntz and Rödingen are incidentally also surrounded with walls at this height. The cost of the land and the wall at that time was $450. With only one cash assets of 110 thalers, they had to pay for the full cost. The large Jülich synagogue was not ready to give a grant. In 1895, the first "burial register" were created with the owner as "Synagogues Association special community Boslar / Tetz" registered. In 1940 the last woman buried was Hertz. Unfortunately, her gravestone has not been preserved. In 1942, the ownership was the Jewish cemetery on the Boslar was taken by the "Reich Association of Jews in Germany". Jews had no property rights, not even to their cemeteries. A year later, the cemetery went to the Jülich tax office. 1944 the mayor Boslarer AM called "Jewish cemetery Boslar" the property. Purportedly an error in the title deeds but in reality he was the owner of the Tetzer Jewish cemetery. This error was not discovered until 1952 and corrected. In 1945 armored vehicles and after the war plowing totally destroyed the cemetery. The grave tones were smashed up to six pieces, removed and even used for paving roads and yards. Individual graves were no longer recognizable. The Boslarer council decided unanimously on 15 in March 1950 with living representatives of the Linnich  Jewish community to negotiate on the maintenance of the now-closed Jewish cemetery. Mr. Baum said on 16 June 1950, that the service considered to be sufficient if the Jewish cemetery had  a living hedge" that would be trimmed. The dilapidated walls were removed, leveled the cemetery, and lawn laid. The local council decided at its meeting on 4 October 1950, that the repair "would be arranged in the next time." Only seven years later, May 1957, when the Jewish community Aachen had complained, did the new owner and representatives of the district administration Aachen at the community Boslar and the Office of the city of Linnich finally perform the necessary reair work for the neglected and unkempt Boslarer Jewish cemetery. Instead of a hedge, a wooden fence was erected. After the repair, in December 1957, the Jewish community Aachen suggested in a letter before the Office Director of Linnich to draw on the Boslarer Jewish cemetery a memorial stone. This memorial should bear the following inscription: "In memory of the former Jewish residents of Boslar". The only surviving and recorded response to this proposal, the notice of the administration, was "the intention is to obtain a cost estimate for the production of such a memorial stone." Whether such an estimate has ever been obtained, is not known. Bolarer the cemetery became the 50th Anniversary of the November pogroms in November 1988 put into the present form. photo and source of information [Sep 2012]
  • Am Ausgang des Ortes nach Tetz: BOOK: Geschichte der Juden in [Roedingen, Muentz und Boslar] und ihre Friedhoefe./ [Dokumentation erarbeitet von Schuelern der Gemeinschaftshauptschule Titz. Titz, 1986] 1 v. (unpaged) illus., plans. 29 cm. Photoreproduction of typescript. ID # q DS 135 G4 R635 G4. Source: Leo Baeck Institute.

  • Hermann Josef Paulißen (Hrsg.): Geschichte der Juden in Rödingen, Müntz und Boslar und ihre Friedhöfe. Eigenverlag, Titz 1986