DISTRICT: Donau-Ries.
- From Burgstrasse (A) take 2nd right (B). Below TV tower right again. Cemetery entrance within yards.
IN USE: From 1671, extended in 1838, last funeral in 1938.
- Numerous individual gravestone photographs and general cemetery views in Alemannia Judaica.
- Jüdische Friedhöfe in Bayern publ. Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst, Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte.
- Jüdische Friedhöfe im Ries publ. Univerität Ulm, Zentrum für allgemaine wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung.
- The Harburg Project - including a graves register and map of graves.
- Israel Schwierz: Steinerne Zeugnisse jüdischen Lebens in Bayern - refer to Sources below.
- Michael Trüger: Der jüdische Friedhof in Harburg, publ. Der Landesverband der Israelitischen. Kultusgemeinden in Bayern. 10. Jahrgang Nr. 68 December 1995 page 16 (Abstract).
- Eberhard Kaendler and Gil Huettenmeister: Der juedische Friedhof Harburg publ. 2004 Christians Verlag, Kulturbehoerde/Denkmalschutzamt Hamburg, 311 pages (LBI).
- Baruch Z. Ophir and Falk Wiesemann: Die juedischen Gemeinden in Bayern 1918-1945 : Geschichte und Zerstoerung publ. R. Oldenbourg, Munich 1979, 511 pages (LBI).
- Reinhard Jakob: Die juedische Gemeinde von Harburg (1671-1871).publ.F. Steinmeier,Noerdlingen 1988, 248 pages, illus. (LBI).
- Meir (Mario) Jacoby, Ruth Litai-Jacoby, Rolf Hofmann: Juedischer Friedhof Harburg, Schwaben , publ.Rolf Hofmann,Stuttgart 1996.(contains a selection of about 50 photographs of exceptionally well preserved gravestones, including translation of Hebrew inscriptions, with commentaries on family histories) (LBI).
- See also here and here for information about and photos of the cemetery.
- The history of the Harburg cemetery dates back to the 17th century. It was also used by the Jewish communities of Mönchsdeggingen and Ederheim.
- The first cases of desecration were recorded in 1744 and 1800 when solders, passing though Harburg, used wooden gravestones as firewood. The cemetery was enclosed by a stone wall in 1745. Further desecrations took place in 1937, when 33 gravestones were uprooted and broken. The last instance of vandalism was reported in 1945, when a number of gravestones were removed. The mortuary has remained intact. The cemetery has a wrought-iron gate and is kept in very good order.
SOURCE: Alemannia Judaica and Schwierz, pages 259-260 (Schwierz LBI).
(Researched and translated from German October 2009)
UPDATE: [September 2013] Photos of the Jewish Cemetery are available here. (http://www.panoramio.com/group/253305)