DISTRICT: Dillingen a.d.Donau.
- Centre of Buttenwiesen, in the immediate vicinity of the Kapellenstrasse and adjoining the city cemetery.
IN USE: From 1632 /33 until about 1942.
- Reportedly around 280 gravestones visible during cemetery cleaning operations in 1993/94 of which only relatively few (about) 26 had legible inscriptions.
- Numerous individual gravestone photographs and general cemetery views in Alemannia Judiaca.
- History and cemetery photograph in Netzwerk Historische Synagogenorte in Bayrisch-Schwaben and click on named location.
- In Schwierz - refer to Sources below.
- Michael Trüger: Der jüdische Friedhof in Binswangen, publ. Der Landesverband der Israelitischen. Kultusgemeinden in Bayern. 10. Jahrgang Nr. 65 in March 1995 page 20.
- Ludwig Mayer: Contribution "Jüdische Friedhöfe in Schwaben" in ‘Jüdische Rundschau' No. 97/1935 dated 03 December 1935 page 6 (several in LBI).
- Louis Lamm: Die jüdischen Friedhöfe in Kriegshafer, Buttenwiesen und Binswangen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Juden in der ehemaligen Markgrafschaft Burgau. Publ. Louis Lamm, Berlin 1912 pages 14-16 (LBI).
- During the 16th/17th century the Jewish commkunity in Buttenwiesen used the now no longer existing cemetery in Burgau.
- The cemetery is enclosed by a wrought iron gated wall on three sides and with direct access from the city cemetery. The old mortuary is still standing but is now used as a private garage for the house on Marktplatz 4. Only one of the 17th/18th century gravestones has survived, probably because they were made of wood. The location of this cemetery is unusual inasmuch as it is in the middle of town instead of, as more usual for Jewish cemeteries, somewhere outside city limits.
- The cemetery is kept in good order and is protected under a preservation order for sites of historic interest.
SOURCE: Alemannia Judaica and Schwierz, pages 253-254 (LBI).
(Researched and translated from German September 2009)