DISTRICT: Unterallgäu (Mindelheim).
- Jewish section in the centre of the city cemetery, entrance in Sankt-Anna-Strasse.
IN USE: post WW2.
NUMBER OF GRAVESTONES: mass grave with memorial.
- Four photographs in Alemannia Judiaca.
- In Schwierz - refer to Sources below.
- Baruch Z. Ophir/Falk Wiesemann: Die jüdischen Gemeinden in Bayern 1918-1945. Geschichte und Zerstörung, publ. Munich: R. Oldenbourg 1979 page511 incl. maps (LBI).
- Gernot Roemer: Für die Vergessenen; KZ-Aussenlager in Schwaben-Schwaben in Konzentrationslagern: reports, documents, figures and photographs. Publ. AugsburgPresse-Druck-und Verlags-GmbH1984, 231 pages (LBI).
- Only five Jews lived in Bad Wörishofen in 1933, who officially belonged to the Jewish community of Memmingen.
- This cemetery holds a mass grave with a plaque commemorating the Jewish victims of the Dachau satellite concentration camp of Schwaben-Schwaben, who survived the war but who died in Bad Wörishofen soon after liberation. The plaque also bears the names of LT. TH. Eisenberg and that of Miss Eisenberg, USA. The plaque was erected by the Jewish committee in Bad Wörishofen in May 1945.
- The mass grave is stocked with plants and very well maintained.
SOURCE: Alemannia Judaica and Schwierz, page 251 (LBI).
(Researched and translated from German August 2009).