International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


In the Jewish cemetery gravestones were filmed and documented by Ruth and Aharon Bruck. [August 2013]

PAPPENHEIM: 91788 Bavaria (Gerz)
I and II

Old cemetery was completely destroyed [see below for refutation by Prof. dr. Kuhn] in 1938 and stones used as building material. Two cemeteries next to each other, one from 11th c, stone walls, mostly with tombstone fragments. Source: Steinerne Zeugnisse juedischen Lebens in Bayern; eine Dokumentation, 2nd ed. by Israel Schwierz. Muenchen: Bayerische Landes- zentrale fuer politische Bildungsarbeit 1992, ISBN 3-87052-398-0, 368 pp. [1st ed. 1988, ISBN 3-87052-393-X, 352 pp.].

[Update June 2010]

There are two cem, divided by a road, both with a solid wall and well maintained:
One from the beginning of the 17th century, where a great number of tombstones [were] destroyed during the Nazi time. But the cemetery was not [as reported above] totally destroyed.
In the second cemetery are tombstones from the 19th century on.
In Pappenheim were buried the Jews of Pappenheim, Ellingen (until 1774, establishment of the cem. of Treuchtlingen, about 10 km from Pappenheim), Treuchtlingen (until 1774), Markt Berolzheim (until 1774), Weimersheim, Eichstätt (from the 19th cent. on) and the Jews residing at Regensburg during the period of the "Everlasting Diet" of Regensburg (1663-1806), which were under the protection of the counts of Pappenheim, because the counts organized the Diet from the Middle Ages on with the title "Reichserbmarschall" .
There are about 300 tombstones in both cemeteries and at least one medieval stone outside the cemeteries. The hebrew inscriptions were [translated] by an Israeli couple in 2008/2009; all tombstones were photographed.
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UPDATE: [September 2013] Photos of the Jewish Cemetery are available here. (